nf-core / differentialabundance

Differential abundance analysis for feature/ observation matrices from platforms such as RNA-seq
MIT License
57 stars 32 forks source link

GSEA- pngs and htmls in same place #265

Closed pinin4fjords closed 5 months ago

pinin4fjords commented 5 months ago

Placing HTMLs and PNGs for HTML in different directories is tidy, but breaks links to images used by the HTML. Publish to the same directory instead.

PR checklist

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

nf-core lint overall result: Passed :white_check_mark: :warning:

Posted for pipeline commit 9f3ddd4

+| ✅ 268 tests passed       |+
#| ❔   4 tests were ignored |#
!| ❗   5 tests had warnings |!
### :heavy_exclamation_mark: Test warnings: * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``manifest.version`` should end in ``dev``: ``1.5.0`` * [pipeline_todos]( - TODO string in `awsfulltest.yml`: _You can customise AWS full pipeline tests as required_ * [pipeline_todos]( - TODO string in ``: _Optionally add in-text citation tools to this list._ * [pipeline_todos]( - TODO string in ``: _Optionally add bibliographic entries to this list._ * [pipeline_todos]( - TODO string in ``: _Only uncomment below if logic in toolCitationText/toolBibliographyText has been filled!_ ### :grey_question: Tests ignored: * [nextflow_config]( - Config default ignored: params.report_file * [nextflow_config]( - Config default ignored: params.logo_file * [nextflow_config]( - Config default ignored: params.css_file * [nextflow_config]( - Config default ignored: params.citations_file ### :white_check_mark: Tests passed: * [files_exist]( - File found: `.gitattributes` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.gitignore` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.nf-core.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.editorconfig` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.prettierignore` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.prettierrc.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `LICENSE` or `` or `LICENCE` or `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `nextflow_schema.json` * [files_exist]( - File found: `nextflow.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/.dockstore.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/branch.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/ci.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/linting_comment.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/linting.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/email_template.html` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/email_template.txt` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/sendmail_template.txt` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/nf-core-differentialabundance_logo_light.png` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/modules.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/test.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/test_full.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/images/nf-core-differentialabundance_logo_light.png` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/images/nf-core-differentialabundance_logo_dark.png` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `docs/` * [files_exist]( - File found: `` * [files_exist]( - File found: `assets/multiqc_config.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/base.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `conf/igenomes.config` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/awstest.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `.github/workflows/awsfulltest.yml` * [files_exist]( - File found: `modules.json` * [files_exist]( - File found: `pyproject.toml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `Singularity` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `parameters.settings.json` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `pipeline_template.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.nf-core.yaml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `bin/markdown_to_html.r` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `conf/aws.config` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.github/workflows/push_dockerhub.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `docs/images/nf-core-differentialabundance_logo.png` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.markdownlint.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.yamllint.yml` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Checks.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Completion.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Workflow.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/Utils.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/WorkflowMain.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/NfcoreTemplate.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/WorkflowDifferentialabundance.groovy` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `lib/nfcore_external_java_deps.jar` * [files_exist]( - File not found check: `.travis.yml` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.nextflowVersion` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.description` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.version` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.homePage` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `timeline.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `trace.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `report.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `dag.enabled` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `process.cpus` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `process.memory` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `process.time` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.outdir` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.input` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.validationShowHiddenParams` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `params.validationSchemaIgnoreParams` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `manifest.mainScript` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `timeline.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `trace.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `report.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable found: `dag.file` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.nf_required_version` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.container` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.singleEnd` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.igenomesIgnore` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable (correctly) not found: `params.enable_conda` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``timeline.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``report.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``trace.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``dag.enabled`` had correct value: ``true`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config ```` began with ``nf-core/`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable ``manifest.homePage`` began with * [nextflow_config]( - Config ``dag.file`` ended with ``.html`` * [nextflow_config]( - Config variable ``manifest.nextflowVersion`` started with >= or !>= * [nextflow_config]( - Config `params.custom_config_version` is set to `master` * [nextflow_config]( - Config `params.custom_config_base` is set to `` * [nextflow_config]( - Lines for loading custom profiles found * [nextflow_config]( - nextflow.config contains configuration profile `test` * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.study_name= study * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.study_type= rnaseq * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.study_abundance_type= counts * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.affy_cel_files_archive= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.querygse= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.observations_id_col= sample * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.observations_type= sample * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.features_id_col= gene_id * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.features_name_col= gene_name * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.features_type= gene * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.features_metadata_cols= gene_id,gene_name,gene_biotype * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.features_gtf_feature_type= transcript * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.features_gtf_table_first_field= gene_id * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.affy_file_name_col= file * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.affy_background= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.affy_bgversion= 2 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.affy_cdfname= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.affy_build_annotation= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.proteus_measurecol_prefix= LFQ intensity * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.proteus_norm_function= normalizeMedian * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.proteus_plotsd_method= violin * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.proteus_plotmv_loess= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.proteus_palette_name= Set1 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.filtering_min_abundance= 1.0 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.filtering_min_samples= 1.0 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.filtering_min_proportion_not_na= 0.5 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.exploratory_clustering_method= ward.D2 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.exploratory_cor_method= spearman * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.exploratory_n_features= 500 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.exploratory_whisker_distance= 1.5 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.exploratory_mad_threshold= -5 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.exploratory_main_variable= auto_pca * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.exploratory_assay_names= raw,normalised,variance_stabilised * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.exploratory_final_assay= variance_stabilised * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.exploratory_palette_name= Set1 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_feature_id_column= gene_id * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_fc_column= log2FoldChange * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_pval_column= pvalue * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_qval_column= padj * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_min_fold_change= 2.0 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_max_pval= 1.0 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_max_qval= 0.05 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_feature_name_column= gene_name * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_foldchanges_logged= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.differential_palette_name= Set1 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_test= Wald * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_fit_type= parametric * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_sf_type= ratio * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_min_replicates_for_replace= 7 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_independent_filtering= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_lfc_threshold= 0 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_alt_hypothesis= greaterAbs * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_p_adjust_method= BH * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_alpha= 0.1 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_minmu= 0.5 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_vs_method= vst * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_shrink_lfc= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_cores= 1 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_vs_blind= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.deseq2_vst_nsub= 1000 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_spacing= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_block= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_correlation= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_method= ls * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_proportion= 0.01 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_stdev_coef_lim= 0.1,4 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_winsor_tail_p= 0.05,0.1 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_lfc= 0 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_adjust_method= BH * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.limma_p_value= 1.0 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_permute= phenotype * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_nperm= 1000 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_scoring_scheme= weighted * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_metric= Signal2Noise * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_sort= real * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_order= descending * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_set_max= 500 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_set_min= 15 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_norm= meandiv * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_rnd_type= no_balance * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_make_sets= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_num= 100 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_plot_top_x= 20 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gsea_rnd_seed= timestamp * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gprofiler2_significant= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gprofiler2_measure_underrepresentation= false * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gprofiler2_evcodes= false * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gprofiler2_max_qval= 0.05 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gprofiler2_domain_scope= annotated * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gprofiler2_min_diff= 1 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gprofiler2_palette_name= Blues * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.shinyngs_build_app= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.shinyngs_shinyapps_account= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.shinyngs_shinyapps_app_name= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.shinyngs_guess_unlog_matrices= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.gene_sets_files= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.report_title= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.report_author= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.report_description= null * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.report_scree= true * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.report_round_digits= 4 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.custom_config_version= master * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.custom_config_base= * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.max_cpus= 16 * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.max_memory= 128.GB * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.max_time= 240.h * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.publish_dir_mode= copy * [nextflow_config]( - Config default value correct: params.validate_params= true * [files_unchanged]( - `.gitattributes` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.prettierrc.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `LICENSE` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/.dockstore.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/workflows/branch.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/workflows/linting_comment.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.github/workflows/linting.yml` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/email_template.html` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/email_template.txt` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/sendmail_template.txt` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `assets/nf-core-differentialabundance_logo_light.png` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `docs/images/nf-core-differentialabundance_logo_light.png` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `docs/images/nf-core-differentialabundance_logo_dark.png` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `docs/` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.gitignore` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `.prettierignore` matches the template * [files_unchanged]( - `pyproject.toml` matches the template * [actions_ci]( - '.github/workflows/ci.yml' is triggered on expected events * [actions_ci]( - '.github/workflows/ci.yml' checks minimum NF version * [actions_awstest]( - '.github/workflows/awstest.yml' is triggered correctly * [actions_awsfulltest]( - `.github/workflows/awsfulltest.yml` is triggered correctly * [actions_awsfulltest]( - `.github/workflows/awsfulltest.yml` does not use `-profile test` * [readme]( - README Nextflow minimum version badge matched config. Badge: `23.10.0`, Config: `23.10.0` * [readme]( - README Zenodo placeholder was replaced with DOI. * [pipeline_name_conventions]( - Name adheres to nf-core convention * [template_strings]( - Did not find any Jinja template strings (159 files) * [schema_lint]( - Schema lint passed * [schema_lint]( - Schema title + description lint passed * [schema_lint]( - Input mimetype lint passed: 'text/csv' * [schema_params]( - Schema matched params returned from nextflow config * [system_exit]( - No `System.exit` calls found * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: awstest.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: branch.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: ci.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: clean-up.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: fix-linting.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: release-announcements.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: linting.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: awsfulltest.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: linting_comment.yml * [actions_schema_validation]( - Workflow validation passed: download_pipeline.yml * [merge_markers]( - No merge markers found in pipeline files * [modules_json]( - Only installed modules found in `modules.json` * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' contains `report_section_order` * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' contains `export_plots` * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' contains `report_comment` * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' follows the ordering scheme of the minimally required plugins. * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' contains a matching 'report_comment'. * [multiqc_config]( - 'assets/multiqc_config.yml' contains 'export_plots: true'. * [modules_structure]( - modules directory structure is correct 'modules/nf-core/TOOL/SUBTOOL' ### Run details * nf-core/tools version 2.13.1 * Run at `2024-04-30 10:33:45`
WackerO commented 5 months ago

Actually, I find that the tables don't work either. I think it might be necessary to save all the relevant files into the HTML folder to make it work...