nf-core / eager

A fully reproducible and state-of-the-art ancient DNA analysis pipeline
MIT License
129 stars 78 forks source link

Hello! I'm not shure this is the right place to ask for help but I'm having problems when running MaltExtract, I get this error: Error in image.default(x = 1:ncol(red.res), y = 1:nrow(red.res), z = t(red.res), : increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected Calls: image -> image.default #991

Closed crisamor closed 1 year ago

crisamor commented 1 year ago

Check Documentation

I have checked the following places for your error:

Description of the bug

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Command line: nextflow run ...
  2. See error: Please provide your error message

Expected behaviour

Log files

Have you provided the following extra information/files:


Nextflow Installation

Container engine

Additional context

crisamor commented 1 year ago

Error executing process > 'maltextract (1)'

Caused by: Process maltextract (1) terminated with an error exit status (1)

Command executed:

MaltExtract -Xmx100g -t taxa_interes.txt -i sample.unmapped.rma6 -o results/ -r Resources -p 8 -f def_anc -a 0.01 --minPI 85.0 --destackingOff

postprocessing.AMPS.r -r results/ -m def_anc -t 8 -n taxa_interes.txt -j

Command exit status: 1

Command output: (empty)

Command error: jun 01, 2023 5:43:07 PM utility.InputParameterProcessor process INFORMACIÓN: Using 8 threads jun 01, 2023 5:43:07 PM utility.InputParameterProcessor process INFORMACIÓN: Custom Behaviour set to: def_anc jun 01, 2023 5:43:07 PM utility.InputParameterProcessor process INFORMACIÓN: Top Percent value set to: 0.01 jun 01, 2023 5:43:07 PM utility.InputParameterProcessor process INFORMACIÓN: Minimum pIdent set to 85.0 jun 01, 2023 5:43:07 PM utility.InputParameterProcessor GetParameters INFORMACIÓN: MaltExtract Version 1.7 jun 01, 2023 5:43:07 PM RMAExtractor.RMAExtractor main INFORMACIÓN: MaltExtract 1.7 --input sample.unmapped.rma --taxa PlasmodiuPlasmodium vivaPlasmodium falciparuPlasmodium malariaPlasmodium inui San Antonio Plasmodium knowlesi strain Toxoplasma gondiEimeria mitiToxoplasma gondii ME4ToxoplasmEmiliania huxleyi CCMP151Aureococcus anophagefferenStaphylococcus phage AndhrEimeria tenellEimeriEimeriorin --output results/ --filter def_anc --top 0.01 --maxLength 0 --minPI 85.0 --resources Resources --threads 8 --destackingOff

jun 01, 2023 5:43:07 PM RMAExtractor.RMAExtractor main INFORMACIÓN: Setting up Taxon Name and Taxon ID maps jun 01, 2023 5:43:17 PM RMAExtractor.RMAExtractor main INFORMACIÓN: Setting up Phylogenetic Tree jun 01, 2023 5:43:17 PM RMAExtractor.RMAExtractor main INFORMACIÓN: Using 8cores jun 01, 2023 5:43:17 PM RMAExtractor.RMAExtractor main INFORMACIÓN: Finished Processing RMA6 files jun 01, 2023 5:43:17 PM RMA6Processor.RMA6Processor process INFORMACIÓN: Reading File: TSFI6_SE.unmapped.rma6 jun 01, 2023 5:43:23 PM RMA6TaxonProcessor.NodeProcessor process ADVERTENCIA: For Toxoplasma_gondii_ME49 in file TSFI6_SE.unmapped.rma6 downsampling was turned on jun 01, 2023 5:43:27 PM RMA6Processor.RMA6Processor process INFORMACIÓN: Finished File: TSFI6_SE.unmapped.rma6 jun 01, 2023 5:43:27 PM RMAExtractor.RMAExtractor main INFORMACIÓN: Writing Summary File jun 01, 2023 5:43:27 PM RMAExtractor.RMAExtractor main INFORMACIÓN: Runtime: 0 Minutes jun 01, 2023 5:43:27 PM RMAExtractor.RMAExtractor main INFORMACIÓN: Peak memory: 3,3 of 88,9G jun 01, 2023 5:43:27 PM RMAExtractor.RMAExtractor main INFORMACIÓN: Shutdown Read 16 items Error in image.default(x = 1:ncol(red.res), y = 1:nrow(red.res), z = t(red.res), : increasing 'x' and 'y' values expected Calls: image -> image.default Ejecución interrumpida

jfy133 commented 1 year ago

Hi @crisamor !

The error is already known, you can see the issue on the AMPs repository here.

Maybe you can report you have the same issue there :) as this isn't a problem with nf-core/eager itself