This subworkflow will cover the gatk4 best practices workflow: starting with the analysis ready reads of multiple individual samples*, haplotypecaller is then run in gvcf mode for each sample, the output gvcfs are then combined into a single genomicsdb workspace, and then run through genotypeGVCFs to perform joint germline genotyping and produce a joint vcf file. VQSR is then run to recalibrate the results file using variantrecalibrator and applyvqsr**.
* setting run_haplotc to false will skip haplotypecaller and use individual gvcf files as input instead, which go directly to genomicsdbimport.
** setting run_vqsr to false will skip VQSR recalibration, meaning the run ends with the output of genotypeGVCFs
[x] confirm updated test data is good to go and finish the PR
[x] get variantrecalibrator reviewed and onto the nf-core modules repo
[x] get applyvqsr reviewed and onto the nf-core modules repo
[x] genotypegvcfs is missing an output channel for the tbi index, also needs updated to new test data and some other small tweaks, so make changes and get reviewed
[ ] once all other to-dos are complete, review PR for joint genotype subworkflow and submit to modules repo
This subworkflow will cover the gatk4 best practices workflow: starting with the analysis ready reads of multiple individual samples*, haplotypecaller is then run in gvcf mode for each sample, the output gvcfs are then combined into a single genomicsdb workspace, and then run through genotypeGVCFs to perform joint germline genotyping and produce a joint vcf file. VQSR is then run to recalibrate the results file using variantrecalibrator and applyvqsr**.
* setting run_haplotc to false will skip haplotypecaller and use individual gvcf files as input instead, which go directly to genomicsdbimport. ** setting run_vqsr to false will skip VQSR recalibration, meaning the run ends with the output of genotypeGVCFs
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