nf-core / modules

Repository to host tool-specific module files for the Nextflow DSL2 community!
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new module: wgcna/automaticsoftthresholding #5122

Open thomgiles opened 3 months ago

thomgiles commented 3 months ago

Is there an existing module for this?

Is there an open PR for this?

Is there an open issue for this?

Are you going to work on this?

EuancRNA commented 3 months ago

Have written an R script to get the soft-thresholding value, but unsure if it makes sense to return that and use as input in the next module (probably "network construction" or the subsequent "blockwise" WGCNA step) as the adjacency matrices could get very large, esp if methylation-level.

thomgiles commented 3 months ago

So I did this as a Rscript as a single value in testing as essentially only a single value is outputted. could also be done with a nested template using stdout to better fit the normal practice?


    softPower=\$(Rscript -e \\
    " \\
    zz <- file(\\"messages.Rout\\", open = \\"wt\\"); \\
    sink(zz, type = \\"message\\"); \\
    sink(zz); \\
    library(WGCNA); \\
    library(doParallel); \\
    registerDoParallel(makeCluster(4)); \\
    sft_threshold <- as.numeric('${params.sft_threshold}'); \\
    matrix_path <- '${matrix}'; \\
    tab_seperator <- \\\"\\\\\\\\t\\\"; \\
    matrix <- read.delim(matrix_path, sep = tab_seperator, header = TRUE, row.names = 1); \\
    matrix_transformed = t(matrix); \\
    powers <- c(c(1:10), seq(from = 12, to=30, by=1)); \\
    sft <- pickSoftThreshold(matrix_transformed,dataIsExpr = TRUE,corFnc = cor,networkType = \\"signed\\",powerVector = powers,verbose = 4); \\
    sft_df <- data.frame(sft[[\\"fitIndices\\"]]); \\
    sft_df[[\\"model_fit\\"]] <- -sign(sft_df[[\\"slope\\"]]) * sft_df[[\\"SFT.R.sq\\"]]; \\
    r2val <- sft_df[[\\"SFT.R.sq\\"]]; \\
    slope <- sft_df[[\\"slope\\"]]; \\
    softPower <- sft_df[r2val >= sft_threshold,]; \\
    softPower <- softPower[[\\"Power\\"]][1]; \\
    if({softPower = 20}; \\
    png(filename = \\"scale_independence.png\\", width = 800, height = 600); \\
    print(plot(sft[[\\"fitIndices\\"]][,1], -sign(sft[[\\"fitIndices\\"]][,3])*sft[[\\"fitIndices\\"]][,2], \\
           xlab=\\"Soft Threshold (power)\\", ylab=\\"Scale Free Topology Model Fit,signed R^2\\", type=\\"n\\", \\
           main = \\"Scale independence\\") + \\
        text(sft[[\\"fitIndices\\"]][,1], -sign(sft[[\\"fitIndices\\"]][,3])*sft[[\\"fitIndices\\"]][,2], \\
             labels=powers, cex=sft_threshold, col=\\"red\\") + \\
        abline(h=sft_threshold, col=\\"red\\")); \\; \\
    writeLines(capture.output(sessionInfo()), 'R_sessionInfo.log'); \\
    writeLines(c('R-wgcna:1.71--r43h21a89ab_4'), 'versions.yml');\\
    sink(); \\
    cat (softPower);")""" 