If running a command that uses the VEP cache files from "s3://annotation-cache/vep_cache" it fails to build the right path and raises this error:
Files within --vep_cache invalid. Make sure there is a directory named caenorhabditis_elegans/110_WBcel235 in s3://annotation-cache/vep_cache/.
It also fails for other genomes:
Files within --vep_cache invalid. Make sure there is a directory named homo_sapiens/110_GRCh38 in s3://annotation-cache/vep_cache/.
Both of this files exist, but the path is not properly built:
aws s3 ls s3://annotation-cache/vep_cache/
PRE 102_GRCm38/
PRE 108_GRCh38/
PRE 108_WBcel235/
PRE 109_GRCh38/
PRE 109_WBcel235/
PRE 110_GRCh37/
PRE 110_GRCh38/
PRE 110_WBcel235/
Command used and terminal output
For the frist error:
nextflow run ../../main.nf -profile bi,cluster --annotate_tools merge --outdir . -c config.config
For the second error:
nextflow run ../../main.nf -profile bi,cluster --outdir . --annotate_tools merge --input https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nf-core/test-datasets/rnavar/samplesheet/v1.0/samplesheet_full.csv -c ../config.config
Relevant files
First config.config file defines necesary reference files for running a WBcel235 sample
Second config.config file defines necesary reference files for running GRCh38 sample
Description of the bug
If running a command that uses the VEP cache files from "s3://annotation-cache/vep_cache" it fails to build the right path and raises this error: Files within --vep_cache invalid. Make sure there is a directory named caenorhabditis_elegans/110_WBcel235 in s3://annotation-cache/vep_cache/. https://nf-co.re/sarek/usage#how-to-customise-snpeff-and-vep-annotation It also fails for other genomes: Files within --vep_cache invalid. Make sure there is a directory named homo_sapiens/110_GRCh38 in s3://annotation-cache/vep_cache/. https://nf-co.re/sarek/usage#how-to-customise-snpeff-and-vep-annotation
Both of this files exist, but the path is not properly built: aws s3 ls s3://annotation-cache/vep_cache/ PRE 102_GRCm38/ PRE 108_GRCh38/ PRE 108_WBcel235/ PRE 109_GRCh38/ PRE 109_WBcel235/ PRE 110_GRCh37/ PRE 110_GRCh38/ PRE 110_WBcel235/
Command used and terminal output
Relevant files
First config.config file defines necesary reference files for running a WBcel235 sample Second config.config file defines necesary reference files for running GRCh38 sample
System information
dev branch