Open Eduardo-Auer opened 1 month ago
I don't think this is an issue with the bed file itself but more an issue with conda. Do you have to run it with conda or are you able to use a container engine?
Thank you for your response! Currently, I am confortable with mamba/conda because I can understand better and use without any issue until now. Before, I tried using/installing docker in my Ubuntu and I had so much problems that I gave up using docker. Is there any solution to use in mamba/conda environment?
Not sure, there seems to be an issue with resolving the conda environment on your system. You could try creating it manually to better see what is going on:
Failed to create Conda environment
command: conda env create --prefix /home/eduardo/gargantua/temp/conda/gawk-f9b4f646bf1b67e52890543d27cb2f27 --file /home/eduardo/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/sarek/./subworkflows/local/prepare_intervals/../../../modules/local/create_intervals_bed/environment.yml
Description of the bug
I think the problem might be the format (using .list or .bed formats) that I used to use in intervals parameter and I do not know the correct format (even after reading the help in sarek page). I need to use these intervals because my data are WES and I created an bed file from Illumina Exome Targeted Regions bed file. I will upload the files (my google drive link) that I used as intervals (exome_intervals.list, exome_intervals.bed) and the Illumina Exome Targeted Regions bed file (Illumina_Exome_TargetedRegions_v1.2.hg38.bed). Could someone help me?
Command used
nextflow run nf-core/sarek -r 3.4.4 -profile conda --input /home/eduardo/gargantua/samplesheet.csv -work-dir /home/eduardo/gargantua/temp --step mapping --aligner bwa-mem2 --concatenate_vcfs false --joint_germline false --fasta /home/eduardo/sequencing_resources/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna --fasta_fai /home/eduardo/sequencing_resources/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fna.fai --wes --intervals /home/eduardo/gargantua/exome_intervals.list --dbsnp /home/eduardo/sequencing_resources/GRCh38.dbSNP156_chr_included.vcf.gz --dbsnp_tbi /home/eduardo/sequencing_resources/GRCh38.dbSNP156_chr_included.vcf.gz.tbi --known_indels /home/eduardo/sequencing_resources/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.known_indels.vcf.gz,/home/eduardo/sequencing_resources/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg38.vcf.gz --known_indels_tbi /home/eduardo/sequencing_resources/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.known_indels.vcf.gz.tbi,/home/eduardo/sequencing_resources/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.hg38.vcf.gz.tbi --skip_tools bcftools,multiqc,fastqc --genome null --igenomes_ignore --outdir home/eduardo/gargantua/results/
Terminal output
This example is for only .list file and the same error happens with .bed file
Relevant files
Google drive files
System information
Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS mamba 1.5.8 conda 24.3.0 nextflow 24.04.4 sarek v3.4.4-g5cc3049