nf-core / scrnaseq

A single-cell RNAseq pipeline for 10X genomics data
MIT License
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Issues with samplesheet.csv as well as additional columns in the samplesheet #303

Closed SethMagnusJarvis closed 3 months ago

SethMagnusJarvis commented 4 months ago

Description of the bug

I tried running the pipeline using the samplesheet and it gave me an error complaining about the number of column names. This disappeared when I remove the sample columns.

According to this post on slack, this apparently shouldn't be an issue ""

Either way, the samplesheet should probably be edited so it works.

Command used and terminal output

nextflow run nf-core/scrnaseq --input ./samplesheet.csv --outdir /rds/general/user/user/home/test_results/scrna --genome GRCh38 -profile imperial, standard --aligner cellranger

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muharif commented 4 months ago

Hi Seth, I am experiencing the same problem. How did you solve it? I tried to remove the sample column, but it is still showing the same error.


SethMagnusJarvis commented 4 months ago

@muharif The sample sheet had 5 columns, I had to remove everything that wasn't sample,fastq_1,fastq_2. I haven't got the pipeline working, but the error changed so I think it resolved it.

grst commented 3 months ago


this issue should be fixed in the development version. You can give it a try with nextflow run ... -r dev. If it doesn't work, please let me know!