A new error mode has been observed in Illumina NovaSeq X data. Some reads exhibit artificial interspersed poly-G sequences. Now, Brian Bushnell has released a new tool, that can (in combination with other tools from the BBTools suite) filter the affected reads.
We would like to quantify the number of affected reads by default for new projects. Therefore, we should include an assessment into Seqinspector.
This entails:
A new module for BBTools PolyFilter
A new subworkflow, that combines it with BBDuk as described on Biostars.
A new MultiQC module / custom content config that plots this information
Description of feature
A new error mode has been observed in Illumina NovaSeq X data. Some reads exhibit artificial interspersed poly-G sequences. Now, Brian Bushnell has released a new tool, that can (in combination with other tools from the BBTools suite) filter the affected reads.
We would like to quantify the number of affected reads by default for new projects. Therefore, we should include an assessment into Seqinspector.
This entails: