nf-core / smrnaseq

A small-RNA sequencing analysis pipeline
MIT License
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Problems in reading fastq file #249

Open PrimettaFaccioli opened 1 year ago

PrimettaFaccioli commented 1 year ago

Please find below the error reported by nextflow. Could you please help me? Many thanks.

[nf-core/smrnaseq] Pipeline completed with errors-

Caused by:
  Cannot cast object 'data.fastq.gz' with class 'nextflow.processor.TaskPath' to class 'java.util.List' -- Check script '/home/primetta/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/smrnaseq/./workflows/../subworkflows/local/../../modules/local/' at line: 28

Source block:
  def primer = adapter ? "--adapter ${adapter}" : ""
  def protocol = params.protocol == 'custom' ? '' : "--protocol $params.protocol"
  def java_mem = ''
          tmem = task.memory.toBytes()
          java_mem = "-Xms${tmem} -Xmx${tmem}"
  def config_lines = [ids,reads]
      .collect({ id, path -> "echo '${path},${id}' >> mirtrace_config" })
      export mirtracejar=\$(dirname \$(which mirtrace))

      ${config_lines.join("\n    ")}

      java $java_mem -jar \$mirtracejar/mirtrace.jar --mirtrace-wrapper-name mirtrace qc  \\
          --species $params.mirtrace_species \\
          $primer \\
          $protocol \\
          --config mirtrace_config \\
          --write-fasta \\
          --output-dir mirtrace \\

      cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
          mirtrace: \$(echo \$(mirtrace -v 2>&1))
apeltzer commented 1 year ago

Can you post more information? Samplesheet, your parameters etc pp.?

PrimettaFaccioli commented 1 year ago

Hi! This was just a test run so I have a samplesheet (prova_corsa.csv) with only one sample (30909144 raw single illumina reads):

sample,fastq_1 test1,/home/primetta/Desktop/broccoli/ensembl_56/data.fastq.gz

The command was this:

nextflow run nf-core/smrnaseq --input prova_corsa.csv --outdir test --fasta genome.fa -profile docker --mirtrace_species ath --max_cpus 3 --max_memory 25.GB -w work

Many thanks for your help.

PrimettaFaccioli commented 1 year ago

I have done some more tests: 1) nextflow run nf-core/smrnaseq -profile test,docker --outdir test Everything was working but I cannot find some of the expected folders in results, e.g. mirdeep, mirtop 2) I have then used the genome file of the above test and one of the fastq files, both downloaded by the test pipeline (so the ones that works in the test run, not my files) and run the pipeline again with my original parameters: nextflow run nf-core/smrnaseq --input prova_corsa.csv --outdir prova1/test --fasta prova1/genome.fa -profile docker --mirtrace_species ath --max_cpus 3 --max_memory 25.GB -w prova1/work but in this case it was not working reporting the same error that I posted some days ago -[nf-core/smrnaseq] Pipeline completed with errors- ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'NFCORE_SMRNASEQ:SMRNASEQ:MIRTRACE:MIRTRACE_RUN (1)'

Caused by: Cannot cast object 'Ctl-N3-R1_S3_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz' with class 'nextflow.processor.TaskPath' to class 'java.util.List' -- Check script '/home/primetta/.nextflow/assets/nf-core/smrnaseq/./workflows/../subworkflows/local/../../modules/local/' at line: 28

Source block: def primer = adapter ? "--adapter ${adapter}" : "" def protocol = params.protocol == 'custom' ? '' : "--protocol $params.protocol" def java_mem = '' if(task.memory){ tmem = task.memory.toBytes() java_mem = "-Xms${tmem} -Xmx${tmem}" } def config_lines = [ids,reads] .transpose() .collect({ id, path -> "echo '${path},${id}' >> mirtrace_config" }) """ export mirtracejar=\$(dirname \$(which mirtrace))

  ${config_lines.join("\n    ")}

  java $java_mem -jar \$mirtracejar/mirtrace.jar --mirtrace-wrapper-name mirtrace qc  \\
      --species $params.mirtrace_species \\
      $primer \\
      $protocol \\
      --config mirtrace_config \\
      --write-fasta \\
      --output-dir mirtrace \\

  cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
      mirtrace: \$(echo \$(mirtrace -v 2>&1))

Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option -resume to the run command line

-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details

shivani303 commented 11 months ago

Hey @PrimettaFaccioli are you able to solve this issue?

seiboldfyr commented 10 months ago

Following up on this issue - I'm seeing the same error. Was there any resolution?