Closed tanyasarkjain closed 1 month ago
Thanks - is aligned to the entire hg38.fa I believe and the 35 reads are spread out across the genome, so I opted instead to use publicly available puretagrget pacbio reads from and downsample and created a new fasta genome3.fasta with the coordinates (chr19:45760000-45770300) of these reads, as the module I'm working on also requires a fasta input
Thanks - is aligned to the entire hg38.fa I believe and the 35 reads are spread out across the genome
Yes, sorry. You are right, I forgot I needed it to be aligned to "real" coordinates of GRCh38 to use it as input for Paraphase.
want to add pacbio longread dna (with RG information) for testing with pbsv and other pacbio-based modules