Closed ewels closed 2 months ago
Related - these additional fixes are also needed to get ahead of upcoming Nextflow syntax changes:
diff --git a/subworkflows/local/utils_nfcore_test_pipeline/ b/subworkflows/local/utils_nfcore_test_pipeline/
index 12c3177..ad046d5 100644
--- a/subworkflows/local/utils_nfcore_test_pipeline/
+++ b/subworkflows/local/utils_nfcore_test_pipeline/
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ workflow PIPELINE_INITIALISATION {
- .map {
- validateInputSamplesheet(it)
+ .map {samplesheet ->
+ validateInputSamplesheet(samplesheet)
.map {
meta, fastqs ->
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def validateInputSamplesheet(input) {
def (metas, fastqs) = input[1..2]
// Check that multiple runs of the same sample are of the same datatype i.e. single-end / paired-end
- def endedness_ok = metas.collect{ it.single_end }.unique().size == 1
+ def endedness_ok = metas.collect{meta -> meta.single_end }.unique().size == 1
if (!endedness_ok) {
error("Please check input samplesheet -> Multiple runs of a sample must be of the same datatype i.e. single-end or paired-end: ${metas[0].id}")
@@ -238,8 +238,10 @@ def methodsDescriptionText(mqc_methods_yaml) {
// Removing `` to handle pipelines using DOIs vs DOI resolvers
// Removing ` ` since the manifest.doi is a string and not a proper list
def temp_doi_ref = ""
- String[] manifest_doi = meta.manifest_map.doi.tokenize(",")
- for (String doi_ref: manifest_doi) temp_doi_ref += "(doi: <a href=\'${doi_ref.replace("", "").replace(" ", "")}\'>${doi_ref.replace("", "").replace(" ", "")}</a>), "
+ def manifest_doi = meta.manifest_map.doi.tokenize(",")
+ manifest_doi.each { doi_ref ->
+ temp_doi_ref += "(doi: <a href=\'${doi_ref.replace("", "").replace(" ", "")}\'>${doi_ref.replace("", "").replace(" ", "")}</a>), "
+ }
meta["doi_text"] = temp_doi_ref.substring(0, temp_doi_ref.length() - 2)
} else meta["doi_text"] = ""
meta["nodoi_text"] = meta.manifest_map.doi ? "" : "<li>If available, make sure to update the text to include the Zenodo DOI of version of the pipeline used. </li>"
We should not use Groovy
statements in Nextflow files:
Instead, use fully qualified names. So instead of:
Do this:
These are subworkflows, so need changing upstream. But adding the issue here because we need to make sure that the updated modules are pulled back into the template.