nf-core / viralrecon

Assembly and intrahost/low-frequency variant calling for viral samples
MIT License
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epi2me-labs/wf-cnv failed during analysis #389

Closed Ligerd5 closed 10 months ago

Ligerd5 commented 10 months ago

Hello, I am new to epi2melabs. I want to analysis CNV in CYP2D6 in chromosome 22. I followed the example on the epi2me/wf-cnv website.

nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-cnv --fastq /srv/nabi/EPIMOL_Malaria/FASTQ_CYPD6/fastq_pass/COMBINED/isolate01-COMBINED.fastq.gz --reference /srv/nabi/EPIMOL_Malaria/copy_number/hg38.fa.gz --bin_size 500

Here is the error message I got and I do not understand how to go about it. Please can I get help on this

|||||||||| _ __ _ __ ____ |||||||||| | ____| _ | | \/ | __| | | | | ||||| | | | |) | | ) | |\/| | _| ___| |/ ` | ' \/ | ||||| | |_| /| | / /| | | | |_|| | (| | |) _ \ |||||||||| |____|_| |_|___|| ||| ||\,|._/|/ |||||||||| wf-cnv v0.0.9-g956b861

Core Nextflow options revision : master runName : modest_coulomb containerEngine: docker launchDir : /srv/nabi/EPIMOL_Malaria/copy_number workDir : /srv/nabi/EPIMOL_Malaria/copy_number/work projectDir : /home/nabi/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-cnv userName : nabi profile : standard configFiles : /home/nabi/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-cnv/nextflow.config

Input Options fastq : /srv/nabi/EPIMOL_Malaria/FASTQ_CYPD6/fastq_pass/COMBINED/isolate01-COMBINED.fastq.gz reference : /srv/nabi/EPIMOL_Malaria/copy_number/hg38.fa.gz

Advanced Options map_threads : 4

!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!

If you use epi2me-labs/wf-cnv for your analysis please cite:

This is epi2me-labs/wf-cnv v0.0.9-g956b861.

ERROR ~ wf-cnv is now deprecated and will no longer receive updates, please use wf-human-variation

-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details Checking fastq input. Single file input detected. executor > local (3) [8d/acadf5] process > pipeline:getVersions [ 0%] 0 of 1 [1b/4e5fc0] process > pipeline:getParams [ 0%] 0 of 1 [69/9f749c] process > pipeline:getGenome [ 0%] 0 of 1 ✔ [- ] process > pipeline:concatenateReads - [- ] process > pipeline:alignment - [- ] process > pipeline:samtoolsIndex - [- ] process > pipeline:callCNV - [- ] process > pipeline:makeReport - [- ] process > output - ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'pipeline:getGenome'

Caused by: Process pipeline:getGenome terminated with an error exit status (127)

Command executed:

faSize -detailed -tab hg38.fa.gz > hg38.fa.gz_genome.txt workflow-glue get_genome --chr_counts hg38.fa.gz_genome.txt -o output.txt genome_string=cat output.txt

Command exit status: 127

Command output: (empty)

Command error: line 290: docker: command not found

Work dir: /srv/nabi/EPIMOL_Malaria/copy_number/work/69/9f749c4fb6d59b8cfd7f5256c9cf98

Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option -resume to the run command line

-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details ERROR ~ The genome build detected is not compatible with this workflow. Please check the reference sequence and try again.

-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details

I honestly do not knw how to troubleshoot this message. Any help please. Thank you

rarthur-eicc commented 10 months ago

This is the viralrecon repo. Did you mean to go here ?

Ligerd5 commented 10 months ago

I followed the example from website. I did not use the sample sheet this time. I used it before and still got an error message.

Ligerd5 commented 10 months ago

I do not understand what this phrase in the error message mean

Caused by: Process pipeline:getGenome terminated with an error exit status (127) Command executed:

faSize -detailed -tab hg38.fa.gz > hg38.fa.gz_genome.txt workflow-glue get_genome --chr_counts hg38.fa.gz_genome.txt -o output.txt genome_string=cat output.txt

Command exit status: 127

If I understand then I might try to troubleshoot.

rarthur-eicc commented 10 months ago

Dude, you’re on the wrong GitHub… wrong software package.

Ligerd5 commented 10 months ago

Oh. Thank you so much. Will go the right one.

maxulysse commented 10 months ago

@Ligerd5 I closed your issue

Ligerd5 commented 10 months ago

Great. Thank you.