nfarina / homebridge-dummy

Dummy switches for Homebridge:
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No response in HomeKit after HomePods updated to 16.2 #73

Closed pguich closed 1 year ago

pguich commented 1 year ago

HomeKit reports no response for all dummy switches since yesterday, and the only change I’m aware of was that my HomePods updated to 16.2.

within Homebridge, no errors are reported. Homebridge-dummy is not run as a separate child bridge.

All other homebridge devices are running normal, but they are run as separate child bridge.

not sure this is the right forum, I’m guessing the problem is more with apple than the plug-in, but I’m wondering if someone else had the same thing after updating the HomePods to 16.2. And if they’ve been able to resolve the problem.

edit: After turning one of the accessories into a separate child bridge, all other switches became responsive. Magical!

closed the issue