nfdi4cat / voc4cat

A SKOS vocabulary for catalysis maintained by NFDI4Cat & friends
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💡 Vocabulary Structure Proposal #33

Open markdoerr opened 7 months ago

markdoerr commented 7 months ago


For the overall structure of the repository I would suggest the following: General approach: from generic / common terms to specific (collecting most generic terms in a kind of "top-level vocabulary") - each term should be defined, if possible, only once, and as broad as possible:

  1. general chemistry / physics ( molecules, reactions, physical measurements, light, absorbance, ...)
  2. catalysis (terms that are in common to all areas of catalysis (catalyst, .... )
  3. one vocabulary for each catalytic field: heterogen. cat., homogen., biocatalysis, photocatalysis, electrocatalysis
  4. process and process modelling vocabulary (reactors, heat-exchange, material exchange, ...)

(I will create the corresponding sections in the config file)

dalito commented 7 months ago

We should discuss with @nmoust . - I proposed to him some guidelines how to model (in private). For example we should use broader/narrower for is_a relation put not for part_of. part_of is collection territory.

dalito commented 5 months ago

@markdoerr - #48 is the result of what @nmoust and I had worked on internally. We propose few top level concepts and give some reasons for the proposed structure.