nfdi4plants / ARCitect

Cross-platform app to create and manage ARCs.
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[BUG] add git / git-lfs binaries for macOS and linux #123

Open Brilator opened 6 months ago

Brilator commented 6 months ago

To make sure all OS are supported the same way, I'd suggest to add git binaries for linux. Might also prevent one or the other issue with ARCitect interpreting other git configs on machine. #112

Brilator commented 5 months ago

The shipped macOS git binaries are currently not used by ARCitect #128

I can delete them from /Applications/ and ARCitect works unaffected (since git / git LFS is installed on my system)

JonasLukasczyk commented 4 months ago

So far we do not provide the linux git binaries, but we will be working on this. Regarding the Mac binaries, this follows expected behavior. Per default the system checks a list of available paths for a given binary. In your case it first finds the system binaries. The question is what happens when you do not have a system git lfs. I remember this worked on Mac before, can you confirm that currently that is broken?

Brilator commented 4 months ago
Hannah-Doerpholz commented 1 month ago

We were working on ARC creation this week with some colleagues and ran into a problem. She is running Ubuntu 20.04 with git v2.2.51 and used the ARCitect v0.0.31. When we created the ARC, we could not commit anything because there was no remote. We could also not add a remote (we could fill all fields for "add remote", but after clicking "add" nothing was added). When I checked, I noticed that in the ARC directory the .git folder was missing. Usually that should be created as well when creating a new ARC, right? At least that is what happens on my machine where everything is working correctly (Ubuntu 22.04, git v2.34.1, ARCitet v0.0.31). It seems that there is a problem with the correct generation of the .git folder. At least that is what it looks like to me. That way, it makes sense for me that we can't add a remote if the entire ARC is not recognized as a git directory