nfdi4plants / ARCtrl

Library for management of Annotated Research Contexts (ARCs) using an in-memory representation and runtime-agnostic contract systems.
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Make ARCtrl publish only one package. #371

Closed Freymaurer closed 3 months ago

Freymaurer commented 3 months ago

This is meant to clear up future dependency issues, while also maintaining a slim publishing pipeline

Freymaurer commented 3 months ago

This does not include all relevant fable files! (more)

Freymaurer commented 3 months ago

If we find a solution for the missing fable files the following is the only change required:

// build/PackageTasks.fsx
module BundleDotNet =
    let bundle (versionTag : string) (versionSuffix : string option) =
        System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(ProjectInfo.netPkgDir) |> ignore
        !! $"src/**/{project}.fsproj" // THIS LINE
        -- "src/bin/*"
        |> Seq.iter (Fake.DotNet.DotNet.pack (fun p ->
            let msBuildParams =
                {p.MSBuildParams with 
                    Properties = ([
                        "PackageReleaseNotes",  (ProjectInfo.release.Notes |> replaceCommitLink |> String.toLines )
                    ] @ p.MSBuildParams.Properties)
                p with 
                    VersionSuffix = versionSuffix
                    MSBuildParams = msBuildParams
                    OutputPath = Some ProjectInfo.netPkgDir