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tools/services page #33

Closed kMutagene closed 1 day ago

kMutagene commented 4 days ago

i think it is obvious that this should be generated from a set of markdown files containing description, tags, link, and "read more" links. How fast can this be implemented @Freymaurer? If not so easily, i would complete all the links and merge it as is for now

cc @muehlhaus

kMutagene commented 4 days ago

@Freymaurer i'd imagine the markdown looking like this

name: <tool/service/whatever name>
category: <library | cli-tool | application | service | other>
contributors: <person or org> or list
  - some
  - custom
  - tags
website: <optional if repo set>
repo: <optional if website set>
  - <http link 1>
  - <http link 2>
Description text comes here

And the files grouped by category and rendered as in this PR

kMutagene commented 2 days ago

ready for review @muehlhaus