nfdz / Cryptool

Cryptography Android application
Mozilla Public License 2.0
98 stars 20 forks source link

More Language :Chinese #12

Closed kouhe3 closed 4 years ago

kouhe3 commented 4 years ago

I need Chinese

nfdz commented 4 years ago

@kouhe3 - It would be very interesting but I don't trust the online automatic translators, the quality is very bad. Could you help with the translation?

This is the English file:

WOSHIZHAZHA120 commented 4 years ago

@kouhe3 - It would be very interesting but I don't trust the online automatic translators, the quality is very bad. Could you help with the translation?

This is the English file:


kouhe3 commented 4 years ago

I made some reviews,Now it looks much better.🌚

nfdz commented 4 years ago

@WOSHIZHAZHA120 @kouhe3 Thank you guys! I will give 1 day more (just in case you want to review or update something more) and then I will release the update.

kouhe3 commented 4 years ago

Final version

    <string name="app_name" translatable="false">Cryptool</string>

    <!-- Main activity -->
    <string name="main_tab_cipher">加密</string>
    <string name="main_tab_hash">哈希</string>
    <string name="main_tab_keys">密码</string>

    <!-- Menu options -->
    <string name="main_menu_pin_code">PIN码</string>
    <string name="main_menu_clipboard_clear">清除剪切板</string>
    <string name="main_menu_import">导入</string>
    <string name="main_menu_export">导出</string>
    <string name="main_menu_theme">主题</string>
    <string name="main_menu_settings">系统设置</string>
    <string name="main_menu_rate_suggestions">Bugs &amp; 建议</string>
    <string name="main_menu_about">关于 &amp; 代码</string>

    <!-- Clipboard -->
    <string name="cb_copy_success">成功复制到剪贴板</string>
    <string name="cb_copy_empty">找不到要复制的文字</string>
    <string name="cb_paste_empty">找不到要粘贴的文字</string>
    <string name="cb_clear_empty">找不到要清除的文字</string>
    <string name="cb_clear_success">成功清除粘贴板</string>
    <string name="cb_label">Cryptool data</string>

    <!-- Cipher -->
    <string name="cipher_plain_label">原文字: </string>
    <string name="cipher_encrypted_label">加密后:</string>
    <string name="cipher_passphrase_label">口令:</string>
    <string name="cipher_info">加密算法:AES</string>

    <!-- Hash -->
    <string name="hash_plain_label">原文字:</string>
    <string name="hash_processed_label">哈希:</string>
    <string name="hash_info">哈希算法: SHA-256</string>

    <!-- Keys -->
    <string name="keys_create_label">标签: </string>
    <string name="keys_create_key">密码: </string>
    <string name="keys_remove_key_long">长按以删除</string>

    <!-- Pin code dialogs -->
    <string name="pin_create_title">创建PIN码</string>
    <string name="pin_create_btn">创建</string>
    <string name="pin_create_content">您是否要设置PIN码?\n\nPIN码的长度必须为4到8个字符,建议6个以上比较安全。</string>
    <string name="pin_delete_btn">删除</string>
    <string name="pin_manage_title">管理PIN码</string>
    <string name="pin_modify_btn">修改</string>
    <string name="pin_created_success">PIN码已创建</string>
    <string name="pin_modified_success">PIN码已修改</string>
    <string name="pin_deleted_success">PIN码已删除</string>
    <string name="pin_size_min">PIN码的长度必须为4到8个字符</string>
    <string name="pin_delete_title">删除PIN码</string>
    <string name="pin_delete_content">您要删除当前的PIN码吗\n\n您保存的所有内容都将被删除</string>

    <!-- Theme -->
    <string name="theme_light">浅色模式</string>
    <string name="theme_dark">深色模式</string>
    <string name="theme_system">自动</string>

    <!-- Promo -->
    <string name="rate_app_title">@string/main_menu_rate_suggestions</string>
    <string name="rate_app_content">此工具的开发是没有任何盈利行为的 如果您喜欢它, 请留下评论以支持我们\n\n如果有任何建议或应用错误,可以在GitHub上指出并修改, 也可以通过提交lssue的方式提交</string>
    <string name="rate_app_btn" translatable="false">谷歌商店</string>
    <string name="about_app_btn" translatable="false">GitHub</string>
    <string name="about_app_title">@string/main_menu_about</string>
    <string name="about_app_content">该代码是开源(GPLv3), 您可以在GitHub上看到它 \n\n某些图标由Freepik制作(来自 \n\n使用了一个第三方库: Jake Wharton的Timber</string>
    <string name="welcome_app_title" translatable="false">Cryptool v2</string>
    <string name="welcome_app_content">欢迎使用具有安全性改进和新功能的新版本 \n\n我们强烈建议您立即设置PIN码, 以提高所有存储数据的安全性 \n\n新加密与以前的加密不兼容  如果要继续使用该加密, 可以在GitHub上下载并继续使用v1版本</string>
    <string name="welcome_app_pin">PIN码</string>
    <string name="welcome_app_close">关闭</string>
    <string name="changelog_title">更新日志</string>
    <string name="changelog_content">深色主题\n删除 & 清除PIN按钮\n 更改PIN \n 在创建/修改/删除PIN时迁移数据\n在已定义的方案中自动终止应用\n在"最近的应用"视图中阻止屏幕截图和应用预览\n剪贴板清空和保护\n导出/导入数据</string>

    <!-- Import/Export -->
    <string name="import_success">导入成功</string>
    <string name="import_ongoing">导入中......</string>
    <string name="import_open_error">文件打开失败</string>
    <string name="import_read_crypto_error">无法导入数据,因为它是使用另一个PIN导出的</string>
    <string name="import_read_error">导入失败</string>
    <string name="export_success">导出成功</string>
    <string name="export_ongoing">导出中......</string>
    <string name="export_open_error">文件打开失败</string>
    <string name="export_write_error">数据导出失败</string>

    <!-- Errors -->
    <string name="error_no_settings">无法打开系统设置</string>
    <string name="error_label_empty">标签字段为空</string>
    <string name="error_key_empty">密钥字段为空</string>
    <string name="error_label_key_empty">标签和密钥字段都为空</string>
    <string name="permission_denied">需要悬浮窗权限</string>

kouhe3 commented 4 years ago

When I saw this picture, I decided to change it again.Can you provide me with more screenshots of the Chinese UI? @nfdz

nfdz commented 4 years ago

@kouhe3 - You can find the main screenshots here:

And more here:

nfdz commented 4 years ago

@kouhe3 - It would be awesome if you can help me also with the description of the app:

Cryptography and high security keystore Android application tool. It has a very useful floating tool and ball/bubble mode. It is only about 2 MB. It does not ask for permissions or do anything weird.

It has been developed keeping in mind these three words: fast, small and offline.

Encryption AES and Hash SHA-256:
- Easy encryption and hash computation of any text in any place and situation.
- Keep your keys away these fancy services that does not show the source code and send data all the time to the cloud.

The application is free software (GPLv3), you can follow its development in:
kouhe3 commented 4 years ago
它具有很方便的悬浮窗模式。 它只有大约2MB。 它不要求乱七八糟的权限做流氓的事。



nfdz commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! I will publish an update soon with this and the export/import problem workaround.

nfdz commented 4 years ago

@kouhe3 - It is published! 🎉