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Course on nowcasting and forecasting of infectious disease dynamcis
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Reorganise to quarto #24

Closed seabbs closed 3 weeks ago

seabbs commented 3 weeks ago

This PR is optional as its reorganises to quarto. For discussion.

seabbs commented 3 weeks ago

I'm not particularly clear on benefits of quarto vs. rmarkdown except quarto is newer (which in itself may be a benefit), but happy to go ahead with it if you think sensible.

It being newer and having slightly cleaner styling + more functionality is kind of the only benefit. I'm pretty easy either way and I think a lot depends on what the workflow is now like in Rstudio using qmd docs (i.e. is it like a traditional Rmd notebook). My expectation is yes to that (@kathsherratt do you know?)

kathsherratt commented 3 weeks ago

Fancy! I do not know quarto workflows and haven't used it, sorry.