nfidd / nfidd

Course on nowcasting and forecasting of infectious disease dynamcis
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How to obtain stan models #28

Closed sbfnk closed 1 week ago

sbfnk commented 3 weeks ago

We probably want to use cmdstanr and thus need to read in models as files. The question is how we serve the models to course participants.

Options are:

  1. as character strings (could use write_stan_file) - downside is that it clutters the code and has to be written out first,
  2. as remote file, download with download.file - downside is will have to decide where to put etc.
  3. as remote file, user downloads themselves - somewhat cumbersome?
  4. in the nfidd package in inst (once installed), using e.g. system.file(package = "nfidd") - downside is that it won't be straightforward to edit

Of these I think (1) might still be best as people can operate from a single script file and don't have to go back and forth but there might be options that I have missed.

seabbs commented 3 weeks ago

what about 5. have them in the session folder as a .stan file? Or are we expecting people to work through the session without having clone the repo?

seabbs commented 3 weeks ago

There is the added complexity of if we want to share functions across sessions but I think we can get to that when we get to it

sbfnk commented 3 weeks ago

what about 5. have them in the session folder as a .stan file? Or are we expecting people to work through the session without having clone the repo?

We don’t expect them to clone in mfiidd (or expect them to interact with git at any time) but yes that’s another option.

seabbs commented 3 weeks ago

So how do they work through the sessions? Copy and pasting from the website? I dunno that feels error prone to me but I guess if it works it works. Working with a download of the repo != using git. We could also pass around a USB (😆 ) or have a short URL they can download from and write the code down or something?

sbfnk commented 2 weeks ago

How would we do it without copying & pasting? Provide R scripts alongside the qmd files? Or expect them to re-render the qmds?

seabbs commented 2 weeks ago

they would use the qmd as an interactive notebook in Rstudio?

sbfnk commented 1 week ago

After discussion decided on (5)