Hi all, I've added a StackPredictions function that will take a list of model objects (one for each outcome variable) and stack the predictions together using the multivariate stacking algorithm from Xing et al (https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/36/1/65/5526872?redirectedFrom=fulltext). The example in the help file shows how to generate the necessary input list, but we could write a function to do this separately. I believe Nick FJ is working on a function to do this in tidymodel syntax
Hi all, I've added a StackPredictions function that will take a list of model objects (one for each outcome variable) and stack the predictions together using the multivariate stacking algorithm from Xing et al (https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/36/1/65/5526872?redirectedFrom=fulltext). The example in the help file shows how to generate the necessary input list, but we could write a function to do this separately. I believe Nick FJ is working on a function to do this in tidymodel syntax