nfl / react-helmet

A document head manager for React
MIT License
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request animation frame is not working in background tabs #463

Open A opened 5 years ago

A commented 5 years ago

In this PR you've moved to requestAnimationFrame, a2323add50c15bf6a1047b5d99753cce6db07fd6 . But, according to specs, raf is not working in background tabs, and if you want to update your title dynamically in background, you can't.

A commented 5 years ago

Seems like even in 5.0.x versions, before requestAnimationFrame, updates in background tab used to stop to render in about 1m, that's strange, bcz if you will update document.title directly, everything is working good.

a-x- commented 5 years ago

+1 remove please requestAnimationFrame

we used react-document-title before and all was worked perfectly (but with last react versions it spawn more warinngs)

now with helmet title is not updating when tab is not active