nflaig / semantic-release-helm

semantic-release plugin to publish Helm charts
MIT License
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Unable to publish to gitlab package registry #30

Open jwhitcraft opened 8 months ago

jwhitcraft commented 8 months ago

Since this always assume that the registry is an OCI registry, it doesn't publish to gitlab.

          "chartPath": ".",
          "isChartMuseum": false,
          "registry": "",
          "skipRegistryLogin": true

and I get this error when i try and publish

An error occurred while running semantic-release: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: helm push /builds/test/devops/charts/test/gustpTest-1.1.1.tgz oci://
Error: invalid_reference: invalid repository
nflaig commented 8 months ago

I am not familiar with what gitlab uses but might have to implement something similar to github

jwhitcraft commented 8 months ago

So i got this working with the following config

          "chartPath": ".",
          "isChartMuseum": true,
          "registry": "",
          "skipRegistryLogin": true,
          "cmPushArgs": "-d"

and just doing the helm registry login in my before_step of my pipeline since if it's gitlab you need the whole repo on it, not just

3j0s commented 8 months ago

Greetings! I got the same issue that @jwhitcraft had weeks ago since I'am not be able to publish on my gitlab registry, although I could register on gitlab on "before_script":

    helm repo add --username ${REGISTRY_USERNAME} --password ${REGISTRY_PASSWORD} semantic-release-helm  ${REGISTRY_HOST}

This is the configuration that I have:

            "chartPath": . ,
            "registry": "${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/packages/helm/${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}",
            "isChartMuseum": true,
             "skipRegistryLogin": true

And still it doesn't works, this the error that I get

[7:19:25 PM] [semantic-release] › ✘  Failed step "publish" of plugin "semantic-release-helm3"
[7:19:25 PM] [semantic-release] › ✘  An error occurred while running semantic-release: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: helm cm-push . semantic-release-helm
. Error: 413: could not properly parse response JSON: Request Entity Too Large
nflaig commented 8 months ago

[7:19:25 PM] [semantic-release] › ✘ Failed step "publish" of plugin "semantic-release-helm3" [7:19:25 PM] [semantic-release] › ✘ An error occurred while running semantic-release: Error: Command failed with exit code 1: helm cm-push . semantic-release-helm . . . . Error: 413: could not properly parse response JSON: Request Entity Too Large

This looks like an error from the gitlab server, the payload you are sending is too large

3j0s commented 8 months ago

For some reason I did everything from the scratch and now it's seems that is working even the version increment, nevertheless I noticed that although the tag and chart version works fine, the Chart.yaml is not updated in the source main project. Btw: Thx for this plugin

nflaig commented 8 months ago

the Chart.yaml is not updated in the source main project

Might be a configuration on semantic release itself, version update is independent from any registry, you can check your release logs for this

Note that it also part of prepare step, so if that would fail (e.g. due to file permissions) the publish wouldn't have worked.