Open nfreear opened 7 years ago
- name original: "Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)"
- name translate:
- before orig: "Join us on Thursday May {d}{th}, {y} and mark the {x}th <a {at}>{g}</a>."
- before trans:
- after orig: "Put next year's <a {at}>{g}</a>, Thursday May {d}{th}, {y}, in your diary. See you then!",
- after trans:
- howto orig: "Put {z} on your site"
- howto trans:
- calendar orig: "Download an iCal calendar file"
- calendar trans:
Not needed?
- powered orig: "Powered by {z}"
- powered trans:
# TEMPLATE - English (en)
# Thanks for contributing! (This is just a comment or note.)
# Leave the language code '_lang_' as is, unless you know what you're doing!
#__name_orig: Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)
name: ""
#__translators: Please leave {d}, {th} and other placeholders as they are, because they are needed by the software.
#__before_orig: Join us on Thursday May {d}{th}, {y} and mark the {x}th <a {at}>{g}</a>.
before: ""
#__after_orig: Put next year's <a {at}>{g}</a>, Thursday May {d}{th}, {y}, in your diary. See you then!
after: ""
url: ""
#__howto_orig: Put {z} on your site
howto: ""
#__calendar_orig: Download an iCal calendar file
calendar: ""
# End.
Please help by correcting and adding translations ~ TEMPLATE.
Like any software translation, the TEMPLATE contains a number of placeholders -- places where bits of dynamic/ changeable text will be inserted. Placeholders should not be translated -- instead leave them embedded in your translation in the appropriate place. The placeholders are denoted by curly braces, for example, {y} is for year, {g} is for "Global Accessibility Awareness Day" (or its translation), and so on.
There is also HTML markup, for example,
<a {at}>..</a>
, which should be preserved intact.As there only five strings to be translated at present, you can do the work in any software you feel comfortable with (Google Doc, MS Word, a comment in this GitHub issue ...)
- JSON format../locales/template.json
(Based on the list of translations at the foot of,
"Chinese (simplified) - mainland China"