nfreear / gaad-widget

Display a banner-link to promote Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) —
1 stars 2 forks source link

Internationalization, localization, translation #4

Open nfreear opened 7 years ago

nfreear commented 7 years ago

Please help by correcting and adding translations ~ TEMPLATE.

Like any software translation, the TEMPLATE contains a number of placeholders -- places where bits of dynamic/ changeable text will be inserted. Placeholders should not be translated -- instead leave them embedded in your translation in the appropriate place. The placeholders are denoted by curly braces, for example, {y} is for year, {g} is for "Global Accessibility Awareness Day" (or its translation), and so on.

There is also HTML markup, for example, <a {at}>..</a>, which should be preserved intact.

As there only five strings to be translated at present, you can do the work in any software you feel comfortable with (Google Doc, MS Word, a comment in this GitHub issue ...)





  1. English (en),
  2. español / Spanish (es),
  3. Français / French (fr),
  4. 日本人 / Japanese (jp),
  5. русский / Russian (ru),
  6. português brasileiro / Portugese (Brazilian) (pt-BR).

(Based on the list of translations at the foot of,


  1. 简体中文 / Simplified Chinese (zh-CN)‎.


"Chinese (simplified) - mainland China"

nfreear commented 7 years ago


- name original: "Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)"
- name translate:
- before orig: "Join us on Thursday May {d}{th}, {y} and mark the {x}th <a {at}>{g}</a>."
- before trans:
- after orig: "Put next year's <a {at}>{g}</a>, Thursday May {d}{th}, {y}, in your diary. See you then!",
- after trans:
- howto orig: "Put {z} on your site"
- howto trans:
- calendar orig: "Download an iCal calendar file"
- calendar trans:

Not needed?

- powered orig:  "Powered by {z}"
- powered trans: 

YAML template

# TEMPLATE - English (en)
# Thanks for contributing! (This is just a comment or note.)

# Leave the language code '_lang_' as is, unless you know what you're doing!

  #__name_orig: Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)
  name: ""

  #__translators: Please leave {d}, {th} and other placeholders as they are, because they are needed by the software.
  #__before_orig: Join us on Thursday May {d}{th}, {y} and mark the {x}th <a {at}>{g}</a>.
  before: ""

  #__after_orig: Put next year's <a {at}>{g}</a>, Thursday May {d}{th}, {y}, in your diary. See you then!
  after: ""

  url: ""

  #__howto_orig: Put {z} on your site
  howto: ""

  #__calendar_orig: Download an iCal calendar file
  calendar: ""

# End.