nfultz / AWR.Athena

Short R Wrapper for Athena JDBC connections
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Fixing block size errors by wrapping fetch API #9

Closed nfultz closed 6 years ago

nfultz commented 6 years ago

A different fix for the blocksize - works for

df <- dbGetQuery(con, "Select * from sampledb.elb_logs limit 2000")

But please check your use case, @daroczig . Also not sure about releasing to cran, I don't want to update the version number because it matches the driver version...

daroczig commented 6 years ago

Regarding R pkg version, what about 1.1.0-1? So x.y.z refers to the JDBC driver version and the last number for the R pkg patch version.

daroczig commented 6 years ago

Awesome, thanks :tada: