nfultz / grpc

gRPC clients and servers in R
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Possible bug in helloserver/client #33

Closed ReDressCodes closed 4 years ago

ReDressCodes commented 4 years ago

Filling this possible issue mostly just for possible confirmation that it is not just me who is experiencing the issue

message of type 'helloworld.GreetingReply' with one field set


[1] "Hello, Neal"

Error in client$SayThanks$callWithMetadata(thanks, c("key1", "val1")) :

attempt to apply non-function

Any other possibly relevant information would be much appreciated.


Shehab7osny commented 4 years ago

This issue can be solved by just replacing the function name call(). Pull request #26 initially enabled metadata to be passed as an argument in the function call(). The name of the function in the beginning was callWithMetadata(). However, it was later changed to just call() but it looks like it was not yet edited in this example, but as you can see it can be easily fixed. Hope that you can now run the example smoothly!