nfusion / Hostway-MarketingWebsite
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Create UX Wireframe - Create UX Wireframe - Marketing Website - Home Page #11

Closed damengilland closed 8 years ago

damengilland commented 8 years ago


pseward commented 8 years ago


hostwayeric commented 8 years ago

i like this approach -- loop in Adrienne.

aphostway commented 8 years ago

A few questions: 1 - If we had a promotion such as 6 Months Free Managed Servers, where would this go and in what form would the messaging be i.e. Hello bar, etc. ...

2- What is the reasoning behind the section "Our Commitment " and it being above the actionable solutions section? Not a criticism, just a question!

3 - Would a user looking for a cloud product off the home page know to look at the word Infrastructure? Or would they skip over it?

damengilland commented 8 years ago

1 - I think it'd work best to use the Hero Banner for promotions like that. Do you have promotions that are "smaller" that we need to factor in? We could add another section on the home page for ads, but it ends up looking cluttered if it repeats the functionality of the Hero Banner.

2 - The desire to put commitment up top was to help establish Hostway as an expert-level partner that your clients could trust -- an extension of their IT team, or a replacement in some situations. We wanted to make sure people coming to the site were hit up front with your team's experience and capabilities.

3 - I think the Infrastructure section was supposed to be like your current map now, but broken up a bit so the map didn't look so empty -- no sense showing Asia if you don't have a location there, no sense showing South America, etc. So each of those map tiles represents one of the dots on the current map. Focused on showing capabilities, so we include some optional hosting compliance offerings.


hostwayeric commented 8 years ago

Is this wireframe review or content? Could we use the "Our Commitment" area for a "Why Hostway" section? Bottom line is that there would be a section toward the top of the page talking about why a customer should choose Hostway. If that's the case. then approved.

damengilland commented 8 years ago

Eric just leveled up in his GitHub skills!

Content is separate from wireframes. (=


pseward commented 8 years ago


pseward commented 8 years ago
