nfusion / Hostway-MarketingWebsite
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Create UX Wireframe - Marketing Website - Search Results Page Template #14

Closed damengilland closed 8 years ago

damengilland commented 8 years ago


damengilland commented 8 years ago

Modeled after Word Press results -

pseward commented 8 years ago


hostwayeric commented 8 years ago

generally ok with this, but can/should it be broken into sections (like web pages, blog posts, news articles, press releases, etc?) or just do a flat, Google style ranking by relevance? (also, please add Adrienne to this for her comments)

hostwayeric commented 8 years ago

darn -- didn't mean to "close" this, just comment -- reopening.

damengilland commented 8 years ago

Hey Eric,

We can build out better search later. For now we're stuck with WordPress default. It doesn't have the ability to do "you may have meant..." or any of those things you suggested out of the box. There are plugins that can improve search, and we can look at improving search across all properties. For the MVP launch though, this is the functionality we are proposing.

aphostway commented 8 years ago

When would you build out the better search options? My fear is that this would fall off the radar and it is incredibly important.

damengilland commented 8 years ago

So the current search page here just leaves us with "loading" message.


What we were proposing would be to have search work across the new Marketing Website and with the results show a bit of text like, "Didn't find what you were looking for? Try the archive search tool." And that tool would link to something like you have now (but hopefully functional) or something like Google Site Search that would search across all of your Web Properties.

In terms of timing... It's not terribly hard to set up, so we could hit it the first sprint after launch.

aphostway commented 8 years ago

To your point Damen our current search is very slow especially when searching for a term like Hostway where many pages are indexed. Most likely a better solution would be to use a GSA or similar product. However I think we are talking about two different things -- the tech and the UI.

For a site that has complex products, multiple properties, and IT nomenclature like ours, search is critical and so are the search results for both personas. I think I have made that clear quite a few times in the past meetings we have had around this topic, and my concern is that every time search is brought up it gets pushed off to a later date.

I think we need to spend a little more time finalizing a strategy and again to your point about page load and indexing this may need to include the environment build team if we are looking to add hardware such as GSA.

hostwayeric commented 8 years ago

Sorry to sound like a broken record about de-featuring some things, but we need to launch something, and improve along the way.

I still have NEVER seen a full, rank-stack list of our page views. Where is search in the rank. If it’s in the top 5, then I’ll reconsider, but until we have this, then I’m going to jettison stuff based on my gut to hit the deadline.

Adrienne, can you get with Holly (or pull this yourself), but I’d really like a 90 day (ish) look-back of page views, and then just rank-stack them by total visits. We need this soon, as this will be our priority list of things that are critical to get 100% right on day 1.

pseward commented 8 years ago


damengilland commented 8 years ago

Approved on the phone.