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Work with Hostway to Setup Build & Deployment Process on Staging Server #34

Open damengilland opened 8 years ago

damengilland commented 8 years ago

nFusion is tasked with setting up the build and code review process, and providing light consultative assistance for the staging server as the Hostway team builds out the Deployment Process.

kwhite commented 8 years ago

The staging server is accessible to us now. @rogerfrace please log in and make sure that everything we requested is installed and the server is in good shape to support the site.


rogerfrace commented 8 years ago
  1. success connecting via ssh with public key: ssh -i ~/.ssh/hostway_rsa hw-dev@
  2. able to connect to mysql: mysql -h sql-hwcorp-vip.tampa.hostway -u hostwaydev -p hostwaydev
  3. no idea how to check memcache
  4. loads a placeholder
kwhite commented 8 years ago

The server appears to be running PHP 5.4. To support WordPress, it needs to run 5.6 or greater.

rogerfrace commented 8 years ago

But also according to the article, Wordpress also works on PHP 5.2.4+ and MySQL 5.0+. So whether they go PHP 5.5 or 5.6 may depend on what their OS supports. Ultimately I would prefer they stick with a package-based installation for PHP/MySQL so that security patches are easily installable versus doing a custom-compile. And while custom-compiled PHP 5.5 is almost EOL (, server versions that bundle PHP are supported for much longer. For example, Ubuntu 14 ships with PHP5.5 and is supported through April 2019.

rogerfrace commented 8 years ago

FWIW, looks like Ubuntu 14 includes MySQL 5.6 in the default repos so upgrading that is easy (default install is 5.5). Also there are 3rd party repos to easily upgrade PHP to 5.6, in case we need to spin up a new test server for this project.

rogerfrace commented 8 years ago

SSH is not working any more. ssh -i ~/.ssh/hostway_rsa hw-dev@ times out. Ideas?