nfusion / Hostway-MarketingWebsite
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Stand-alone Global Search Page #49

Open damengilland opened 8 years ago

damengilland commented 8 years ago

@aphostway @dankeyburn @hostwayeric @reverb1080

I'm going to start creating a few tickets for issues I see on the current Hostway Marketing Website that may impede our ability to launch the new site smoothly. Please let me know if you would like to use GitHub to track these (happy to add anyone you'd like from your side), or if you are handling the issue outside of this. Thanks!


Since we are including a link to "Search" in the navigation, but not a text field for Global Search, we need a stand-alone search page. The workflow we want to encourage is for people to search within the updated Marketing Website first, then if they can't find what they are looking for to go to a "Search the Archives" page; internal staff could bookmark this page.

I can get to a URL like this for Search Results, but is there any existing stand-alone page that lets me initiate a global site search at present?