ng-matero / extensions

Angular Material Extensions Library.
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[Data Grid] Tags colors #200

Closed ZeroGDrive closed 1 year ago

ZeroGDrive commented 1 year ago

In the examples, specifically the last example in the data grid examples page

The grid has some columns defined as tags like so: tag: { true: { text: 'Yes', color: 'red-100' }, false: { text: 'No', color: 'green-100' }, }, Yet in the same example, colors don't seem to be working.

I tried setting the colors in many different ways but didn't succeed. any specific way I should follow to define different colors for tags ?

nzbin commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, it's a bit vague for the color settings. If you set the color red-100, it will be set a class bg-red-100. So if you want it to be working, you should customize the classes like .bg-xxx.

In fact, the tag colors are designed to use with ng-matero. You can find that there has lots of preset color classes in Colors tab. The colors are generated based on Material Spec.

Please check the ng-matero examples (remote-data) and that works correctly.