ng-matero / extensions

Angular Material Extensions Library.
MIT License
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Inquiry About Carousel Support? #225

Open kharazian opened 11 months ago

kharazian commented 11 months ago

I've been exploring ng-matero/extensions and I'm really impressed with its wide range of UI components. However, I couldn't find any information or examples about a carousel component. Carousels are a popular feature for displaying images and content in a dynamic and interactive way.

Could you please let me know if ng-matero/extensions supports a carousel component or if there are any plans to add it in the future? It would be fantastic to have this feature available within the library.

nzbin commented 11 months ago

I'm sorry, the lib doesn't have carousel component yet. I have ever planed to add it, but I'm very busy with my work. In fact, there already have some wonderful carousel libs or wrapper components.

kharazian commented 11 months ago

No problem at all! I understand that you're busy with your work and may not have had the chance to add a carousel component to the library. I'll explore other carousel libraries or way that can fulfill my requirements. Thank you for your response!

nzbin commented 8 months ago

I recently created another vanilla JS carousel Unsliderjs, maybe I will add it to this lib in the future.