ng-matero / ng-matero

Angular Material admin dashboard template.
MIT License
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fix: run 'npm run build:schematics' on Windows #675

Closed Taoister39 closed 2 weeks ago

Taoister39 commented 2 weeks ago
PS C:\Users\xxx> npm run build:schematics

> ng-matero@0.0.0-NOT-USED build:schematics
> npm run copy:schematics && cd schematics && npm run build && cd .. && npm run build:starter

> ng-matero@0.0.0-NOT-USED copy:schematics
> npm run clean:schematics && cpr schematics dist/schematics

> ng-matero@0.0.0-NOT-USED clean:schematics
> rimraf dist/schematics

> ng-matero@17.1.0 build
> ../node_modules/.bin/tsc -p tsconfig.json

'..' 不是內部或外部命令、可執行的程式或批次檔。

The term '..' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.