ng2-ui / datetime-picker

Angular2 DateTime Picker
MIT License
121 stars 62 forks source link

Would be better if it used standard bootstrap classnames for display #204

Open madpixl opened 7 years ago

madpixl commented 7 years ago

If you could choose to exclude the css and have it fall back to bootstrap classes, it could be part of a larger application that uses SCSS without requiring/generating its own css. Debugging injected styles doesn't work particularly well with SASS. Current behavior Seems to inject proprietary, (reminds me of early Prime Faces fails), CSS.... injects this into the head, and no way to overrride with referenced SASS stack... .ui-select-match[_ngcontent-nlv-11] > .btn[_ngcontent-nlv-11]

Expected/desired behavior .ui-select-match > .btn

That way if it's linked to bootstrap the styles can be maintained as part of a larger SASS generated styleset/ application.

Or maybe there is a way that isn't obvious.

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