ngUpgraders / ng-forward

The default solution for those that want to write Angular 2.x style code in Angular 1.x
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ng-upgrade upgradeNg1Component does not work well #159

Closed david-gang closed 4 years ago

david-gang commented 8 years ago

The upgrade adapter tries to compile a big function from the directive.

I want to upgrade an icon directive

export function evalExpression(sourceUrl: string, expr: string, declarations: string,
                               vars: {[key: string]: any}): any {
  var fnBody = `${declarations}\nreturn ${expr}\n//# sourceURL=${sourceUrl}`;
  var fnArgNames = [];
  var fnArgValues = [];
  for (var argName in vars) {
  return new Function(...fnArgNames.concat(fnBody))(...fnArgValues);

Then if we have an input called icontype i get the following lines:

this.outputSubscriptions[3] = this.directive_2_0.output_[iconType].subscribe({next: (function(event) { return this.handleEvent('[iconType]Change', 2, event); }).bind(this)});
this.outputSubscriptions[4] = this.directive_2_0.output_[(iconType)].subscribe({next: (function(event) { return this.handleEvent('[(iconType)]Change', 2, event); }).bind(this)});

which is not valid javascript and therefore the function fails.

timkindberg commented 8 years ago

What part is not valid javascript? What is that evalExpression function?

david-gang commented 8 years ago

When an object is upgraded with ngupgrade it is "compiled": The evalexpression is from

The part which is not valid is the brackets in the object key:

Here is a small example which shows the problem: (In chrome console) a = {} Object {} a.b = 5 5 a.c_[d = 6 VM245:3 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token }(…)