Closed Dp024 closed 5 years ago
The implementation assumes that the aggregation values are all maps defining the aggregation/aggregations (see
"aggregation_name1": {
"aggregation_name2": {
So the size=0
item in the outer map causes the problem. Is the size parameter in the outer aggregation body valid/needed?
Thank you for the help. size parameter not related to aggregation. it's related to
POST index/type/_search?size=0{ }.
I sent size parameter in elastic search query through kibana like
POST index/type/_search
{"query": {"bool": {"filter": [ {"term": { "properties.time_id": "2019"}}]}},
"aggs": {"uniq_countries": {"terms": {"field": "properties.ISO_N3.keyword","size": 500},
"aggs": {"aggs_values": {"avg": {"field": "properties.value"}}}}},"size": 0
} . this query working fine in kibana.
I am using cql_filter for properties.time_id and it is part of URL.
so i need only aggregation part. i removed size parameter and send the request to geoserver using viewparams like
viewparams:'a:{"aggs": { "uniq_countries": {"terms": {"field": "properties.ISO_N3.keyword"\,"size": 500}\,"aggs": {"aggs_values": {"avg": {"field": "properties.value"}}}}}}'
then i got the error like
status line [HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request]
reason-> [1:4644] unable to parse BaseAggregationBuilder with name [uniq_countries]: parser not found
could you please help on this.
The aggregation viewparam value should be the aggregation content, where the keys in the outermost element are the aggregation name(s). So in this case try {"uniq_countries": {"terms": {"field": "properties.ISO_N3.keyword"\, "size": 500}\, "aggs": {"aggs_values": {"avg": {"field": "properties.value"}}}}}
I tried with viewparams:'a:{"uniq_countries": {"terms": {"field": "properties.ISO_N3.keyword"\, "size": 500}\, "aggs": {"aggs_values": {"avg": {"field": "properties.value"}}}}}' I got the following error java.lang.RuntimeException: Error executing count search Error executing count search Error executing count search Unrecognized field "doc_count_error_upper_bound" (class, not marked as ignorable (one known property: "buckets"]) at [Source: org.apache.http.nio.entity.ContentInputStream@49e84059; line: 1, column: 201] (through reference chain:["aggregations"]->java.util.LinkedHashMap["uniq_countries"]->["doc_count_error_upper_bound"])
could you please help on this.
This was fixed in It'll be included in the next release. In the meantime if you're able to build the plugin using the latest master branch then it should resolve this error.
Fixed in 2.14.2-RC1.
I am using in ajax call var ajax = $.ajax({ method: "POST", url : URL,//this is url of server dataType : 'jsonp', jsonpCallback : 'getJson', data: { viewparams:'a:{"aggs": { "uniq_countries": {"terms": {"field": "properties.ISO_N3.keyword"\,"size": 500}\,"aggs": {"aggs_values": {"avg": {"field": "properties.value"}}}}}\,"size": 0}' }) when i send the request to the server i got the error like <?xml version="1.0" ?> <ServiceExceptionReport version="1.2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">