Closed alx696 closed 5 years ago
Upgraded the develop branch to use AndroidX for the upcoming 3.2.0 release.
Also upgraded the android-map library and mapcache app develop branches. Both worked fine with AndroidX updates to this library.
The sqlite-android aar is intentionally included as a repository api for automatic and consistent RTree support. Requiring a manual download of this library is something we want to avoid. The Android Manifest replaces the default allow backup setting and enables cleartext traffic for downloading http GeoPackage files.
After change to androidx.appcompat
, add tools:replace
not work. So, i remove them all.
I will try after 3.2.0 release. If ok, i will close this issues.
You can fork this repository and checkout the develop branch if you'd like to try without waiting.
@bosborn I changed my way of using GeoPackage. ArcGIS, Google Map SDK and Osmdroid do not have a strong support of GeoPackage(can not custom sytle or any thing else). And dependent library sqlite
have some very bad tag been merged to AndroidManifest.xml
. For example: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
, because it is target api is 1.0...
So, i just use mil.nga.geopackage:geopackage-core:3.1.0
to transform Geometry data. I saved (Point, LineString) with GeoPackage Geometry, but used Room Persistence Library
. I think the most wanted feature is:
I have try lot to use full GeoPackage, but can not find any document or example how to use tiles... I know the zoom, x, y, but how to get the tile? Finally i chose to use osmdroid sqlite. It is easy to use and understand. I can easily dev a tool to produce tile and show them.
Don't spend a lot of time on the ui features. GeoPackage is Encoding Standard and Datastore.
New versions of these libraries are being released this week in case you still want to try. You can certainly use geopackage-core directly, but the intent is to be used through geopackage-java, geopackage-android, or geopackage-android-map. These libraries handle all the creation, management, query, and XYZ transforms for you.
The versions releasing this week also include support for the NGA extensions: Feature Style and Contents Id. The feature extension supports styles and icons for feature geometries and defaults for feature tables. Official OGC GeoPackage style support is still a ways out. QGIS has an OWS extension, but we are waiting for an official style adoption from OGC.
Android usually lets you override any manifest settings for your own project.
Retrieving a tile from a XYZ in a GeoPackage is of course possible, yet not a trivial operation. See: in android and in java
New Java and Android versions of these libraries have been released:
Version Information:
conflict. Can not build.Output:
Steps to Reproduce:
sync gradle
Relevant Code:
Clean up sqlite aar
Manifest merge conflict cause by sqlite aar, remove all tags.
Empty geopackage-android's AndroidManifest.xml:
Module library without ui not need tags any more. I remove them, works fine.
androidx support
to main Manifests not work, can not build.Change
will work, but will affect old users...Last
need to build from source now. Blow is my geopackage-android build.gradle:You can build a library module first, then copy src in.