While we have documentation for most parts of scale, it would be beneficial to have a start to finish tutorial of creating a simple job and incorporating it in scale. Instructions for the following tasks should be written out in a simple, friendly blog-style post with screenshots and code snippets where applicable. This tutorial will assume the scale infrastructure is already up and running.
Create a simple program.
program should have one input and one output.
program should take two arguments, 'INPUT_FILE' which will be the filepath for the input file, and "OUTPUT' which will be the directory path for the output directory.
program should copy input file with a new name and write it to the output directory.
While we have documentation for most parts of scale, it would be beneficial to have a start to finish tutorial of creating a simple job and incorporating it in scale. Instructions for the following tasks should be written out in a simple, friendly blog-style post with screenshots and code snippets where applicable. This tutorial will assume the scale infrastructure is already up and running.
Create a simple program.
Create a seed manifest file for the program
dockerize program and build with seed-cli
seed build
Add new image to seed-silo seed-silo documentation here: https://github.com/ngageoint/seed-silo#usage
set up a new workspace in scale-ui this will be a local workspace pointing at a shared folder that all scale nodes have access to.
create job-type for program in scale-ui
create new recipe for job-type in scale-ui
create new strike in scale-ui
add files to input workspace and verify recipe and job run correctly