nganhtuan63 / gxc-cms-2

GXC-CMS version 2.0
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ContentList not filtering based on language selection #13

Open dawidpjoubert opened 11 years ago

dawidpjoubert commented 11 years ago


The ability to filter on language selection is not implemented at all. In the file GxcHelpers.php within method getContentList() you need to update the code to be as follows:

                        $condition .= ' or (object_id in (select object_id from `{{tag_relationships}}` where tag_id in (' . $tag_id_list . ')))';

                    //criteria not newest
                    if ($model->criteria != ConstantDefine::CONTENT_LIST_CRITERIA_NEWEST) {
                        $criteria_field = 'object_view DESC';                                             

                    $criteria = new CdBCriteria(array(

                    // Language constraints. ID#0 means all languages so we only apply the conditional if the ID#0 is not set.
                    if (!in_array(0, $model->lang)) $criteria->addInCondition('lang', $model->lang);

                    if ($return_type == ConstantDefine::CONTENT_LIST_RETURN_DATA_PROVIDER && $model->number >=1) { 

                        $sort = new CSort('Object');
                        $sort->defaultOrder='t.object_date DESC';
                        $sort->attributes = array('object_view' => array('asc'=>'object_view ASC',
                                                                         'desc'=>'object_view DESC',
                                                  'object_date'=>array('asc'=>'t.object_date ASC',
                                                                       'desc'=>'t.object_date DESC',

                        return new CActiveDataProvider('Object',array(
                                'criteria'=> $criteria,
                                'pagination'=>array('pageSize' => isset($max) ? $max : $model->number * $page_number, 'pageVar'=>'page'),

                    return Object::model()->findAll($criteria);
                else {
wzfjesun commented 10 years ago

thank you,it works