ngderek24 / audio-only-youtube

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Doesn't work with Embed Links ( <iframe ... src="$VIDEO_ID" ...></iframe> ) #2

Open JVD66 opened 1 month ago

JVD66 commented 1 month ago

Good day -

Thanks for 'audio-only-youtube' - a good starting point for playing with youtube playback facilities.

My problem is that I am on a very low bandwidth internet connection at home ( it varies from @ 8 - 56 kbps ) - this is rural Ireland, where we only get LTE over CDMA / UMTS - yes, something that pretends to be 4G but is in fact 3G .

Anytime I want to listen to something on YouTube - and I mean listen - I don't really want or have time to watch - I have to right click on the video, select the 'Embed' link, and paste into an html page , for instance :

` <!DOCTYPE html>



I then load this page with an URL like 'file:///home/$USER/ggMOATS.html' , where $USER is my user name.

Otherwise, accessing ANY youtube content page, without any media content playing, consumes 500% CPU time on my x86_64 12-core 4.2 ghz Linux (Fedora Core 40) laptop - it is trying to access multiple AdWare and SpyWare sites (which are blocked by my DNS RBL setup) and replay the live chat, in which I have no interest . So, in order to avoid this 500% CPU usage, I have to use the above method of copying the iframe link into a web-page. Then the audio/video plays with usually about 40% CPU usage - but usually with many halts / breaks in playback as it runs out of buffered media to play, even at 144p Quality setting - it helps a bit if I reduce scaling of the video to its minimum size (30%) , but still stutters and halts in playback are too frequent.

When this page is loaded, with your extension loaded, clicking on Extensions in tool bar shows " Audio Only Youtube - Can't read and change data on this site "

What I am trying to find or write is an extension that will request ONLY THE AUDIO STREAM for a video on youtube, and which will significantly reduce the bandwidth requirements to well below 32kbps, which should be more than enough for audio only playback .

Is this something that might be eventually achievable with your extension ? ie. Can youtube send out only the Audio Stream for a video, or does your extension have to download the whole video and extract the audio stream ?

  I am also playing around with FFPMEG / 'ffplay' to see if I can get a better result .

Answers to the above questions would be most gratefully received, and please fix 'Audio Only YouTube' to work with arbitrary '' tags in any web-page.

JVD66 commented 1 month ago

Oops, github did not reproduce the code section I entered :

`          <!DOCTYPE html>



                 <title>GG&apos;s MOATS</title>

                 <style type="text/css">

                   .centered { display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; }




               <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" 
                  title="GIVE PEACE A CHANCE - MOATS with George Galloway Ep 351" 
                  frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"
                  referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen class="centered"



