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Overlay a WMS on the map search page does not work #146

Closed chkhm closed 11 years ago

chkhm commented 11 years ago

I have only very limited success overlaying WMS on the Map Search Page. As one example that does not work search for ( Borehole Temperatures near Missouri

Click on the WMS of Missouri Borehole Temperatures...


rclark commented 11 years ago

When logging a failure for data to appear on a map, it would be really helpful to include a screenshot of the "Network" tab in the browsers debugging tools and maybe any console errors, too.

The first step in troubleshooting is determining if the JavaScript code is encountering an error, or if JS is behaving correctly and the data is not being passed from the WMS or WFS server to the client correctly.

chkhm commented 11 years ago

Here you go.

It seems like there is an error in two API calls:


rclark commented 11 years ago

@asonnenschein it looks like those actions are failing. Can you figure out why?

400 error on geoserver_proxy_layer_name is probably UI constructing an invalid POST?

rclark commented 11 years ago

screen shot 2013-11-20 at 10 44 07 am

UI is making a request for an action that, apparently, does not exist.

asonnenschein commented 11 years ago

Fixed in 'map_search_bugfixes' branch, needs to be merged into master.

rwschwanke commented 11 years ago

Christoph marked this issue as critical for Nov 22 demo. Is that still true? If so, what is the plan for

asonnenschein commented 11 years ago

Not sure, probably best to pull this into master asap so that people can test it out. Same with the refactor-validation branch @rclark ?

asonnenschein commented 11 years ago

Merged into master, this is done. Closing.

rclark commented 11 years ago

@chkhm @rwschwanke New WMS code is pushed on and Central in particular works well. I searched for "Arizona" and every WMS I tried worked.

Node suffers from old-data issues that mean most of the datasets that report having a WMS do not behave as anticipated. @asonnenschein is going to put up 5 or 6 new, good datasets on and he'll let you know how to find/demo them. They should work on map search and on preview, as WMS and WFS.

asonnenschein commented 11 years ago

@chkhm @rwschwanke @rclark I uploaded a bunch of data services for the demo:


WFS: (polygon- zoom in) (point) (line)

chkhm commented 11 years ago

Hi Adrian, what do the comments (polygon zoom in, point, line) mean?

asonnenschein commented 11 years ago

@chkhm Those are the GeoJSON geometry types. Just a demonstration that we can do previews with the three main GIS geometry types. To see the polygons, you'll need to zoom in because the polygons are pretty small.

asonnenschein commented 11 years ago

Also- @chkhm The oregon power plant facilities WFS layer seems to be behaving unpredictably. Sometimes the proper symbology is showing up and other times one of those broken link images is showing up in place of the proper symbology.

chkhm commented 11 years ago

Only thing it's a WFS :-)

chkhm commented 11 years ago

Ah, I see! I can see it in the map preview in recline. Cool!

asonnenschein commented 11 years ago

Yup, the WFS previews won't show up in the map search page. We only support WMS layers there.

asonnenschein commented 11 years ago

WMS layers should now be working on the map search page. Closing this issue.