Open ccaudill opened 10 years ago
I've added the critical label here because the symbology from the WMS does no good if the user can't access what it means. Getting a lot of questions about what the BHT sybmology means from Stanford Geo Conference.
So the symbology from the WMS is indeed displaying properly when "Show Web Map Service" is chosen from a tier 3 Map search result. The issue is that there should be a legend indicating what those layers are. Here is the Borehole Temperatures legend, as seen when opened in ArcMap:
From our other (great) search site, Ryan has think link to give the user this service's layer file which has the symbology: Which he named "Add to ArcMap" - something I would love to see added to the CKAN list in a search result too.... The WMS service URL for that is:
URLs using the same format ( service/MapServer?f=lyr&v=9.3 ) should be able to be constructed for a given published service harvested into CKAN.
LYR files are the symbology as saved by and for use in ArcMap. SLD files serve the same purpose, but are the file type used by GeoServer.
Here's another example of symbology, with the multiple layers in an Aqueous Chemistry service:
I am getting this error in geoserver: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.image.IntegerInterleavedRaster
Maybe there is a problem with java jdk installed on the server @fxia
Necessary for all WMS when user clicks "Show Web Map Service", but especially useful for those which have multiple symbologies per service or variable symbology. Now the UI simply says "OGC:WMS" in the map legend which isn't very useful on it's own.