Open semireg opened 3 months ago
Environment Details
<ReactTabulator className="compact celled" columns={currentColumns} data={data} options={{ layout: 'fitDataTable', virtualDomHoz: true, height: tableHeight, movableColumns: isTable,
currentColumns is one row column, and then the data headers.
const rowNumColumn = { title: 'Row', field: 'row', width: 75, hozAlign: 'center', headerSort: false, frozen: false } as const; const dataColumns = importRecord .get('header') .map((h) => ({ title: h, field: h, editor, headerMenu, headerSort: false })) .toArray(); return [rowNumColumn, ...dataColumns];
Really trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong...
I'm facing the same problem. No one seems to have been assigned to this issue, will it be fixed in next release?
Environment Details
currentColumns is one row column, and then the data headers.
Really trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong...