nghialv / MaterialKit

Material design components for iOS written in Swift
MIT License
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Update to Swift 3~5 (Xcode 8~11.2.1) + Resolve memory leaks + SPM support #66

Open ApolloZhu opened 7 years ago

ApolloZhu commented 7 years ago

Since the repo is no longer maintained, use this in your Podfile instead:

pod 'MaterialKit', :git => ''

or in your Package.swift:

.package(url: "",
         .upToNextMinor(from: "0.6.6")),

This version is compatible, theoretically, with any version from Swift 3 to 5 (solve #63 and #72)

This implementation also removed the strong reference cycles (which are causing memory leaks). I'm aware of this [issue]( a long time ago, but had no idea why just declaring superLayer as `weak` causes unexpected crashes. Thanks to @theMeatloaf for his solutions in Swift 2, we only need to manually remove the observers by calling `recycle` method of MKLayer and MKRefreshControl if a class owns such properties directly. I can't figure out a way for us to automatically remove the observers, especially when the time `deinit` of MKLayer gets called, superLayer is already nil. Therefore, if you have a better solution, please definitely help. And yes, in addition to MKLayer and all other classes that has a property of type MKLayer, MKRefreshControl has [strong reference loop]( and [observer]( not removed, and MKSwitch has a [strong reference loop](, too.