Open FDiskas opened 5 years ago
It could be like so:
declare module 'next-mobx-wrapper' {
import { ComponentType } from 'app/node_modules/@types/react';
export declare const withMobx: (getStores?: {}) => (NextComponentType) => NextComponentType<{ store: any }>;
export declare class BaseStore {
constructor(props?: {});
update: (data?: {}) => void;
export declare const getOrCreateStore: (string, initialState: any) => any;
export declare const isServer: boolean;
export declare const getKeyNameStore: (fnName: any) => any;
export declare const mapToJson: (map: any) => any;
export declare const jsonToMap: (jsonStr: any) => any;
import * as React from 'react';
import { NextComponentType } from 'next';
declare const _default: (getStores?: {}) => (App: NextComponentType<{}, {}, import("next").NextContext<Record<string, string | string[] | undefined>, {}>>) => {
new (props: any): {
readonly store: {};
render(): JSX.Element;
context: any;
setState<K extends never>(state: {} | ((prevState: Readonly<{}>, props: Readonly<{}>) => {} | Pick<{}, K> | null) | Pick<{}, K> | null, callback?: (() => void) | undefined): void;
forceUpdate(callBack?: (() => void) | undefined): void;
readonly props: Readonly<{}> & Readonly<{
children?: React.ReactNode;
state: Readonly<{}>;
refs: {
[key: string]: React.ReactInstance;
getInitialProps(appContext: import("next/app").NextAppContext<Record<string, string | string[] | undefined>, {}>): Promise<{
initialMobxState: any;
contextType?: React.Context<any> | undefined;
export default _default;
@FDiskas thanks.
Can you help me make a pull request?
I believe that thous typings is wrong. Suggesting to rewrite project to typescript and then generate typings on build
You can either use tsc --declaration fileName.ts
, or you can specify declaration: true under compilerOptions
in your tsconfig.json
assuming you've already had a project converted to typescript
Also typings can be added directly in this project. Simple example
I think this is just a small library and unnecessary rewriting. But, typing is necessary.
Can you generate typings?