nghorbani / soma

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psbody.smpl smpl_derivatives in windows #2

Closed yutianhao-chingmu closed 2 years ago

yutianhao-chingmu commented 2 years ago

Hi, recently i am working on human body reconstruction and download your codes, thanks for your great work. It helps me a lot. Unfortunatly, i meet some troubles in using this work on Windows10. The smpl-fast-derivatives file downloaded is precompiled, which can only be used on Linux. I have no idea how to download the smpl_derivatives which can be used in Windows. Could you provide files that support Windows? Thank you very much!

nghorbani commented 2 years ago

The current code is tested only on Ubuntu machine, specifics here. In addition to fast derivatives you would need to compile psbody mesh package, and mesh distance. Maybe you would better be off using a virtual machine for running soma.