nghugo / intro-prog

Introductory Programming Project Group 1
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EXTRA: Set resource threshold for each camp, issue warning when fall below threshold (high priority) #45

Open nghugo opened 7 months ago

nghugo commented 7 months ago

We have not defined thresholds for each resource yet.

Within each camp, we can dynamically calculate the threshold for each resource using the current camp population. Eg each person needs - 2 water packets, 1 food packet, 1 bedding packet, …

Whenever a resource amount falls lower than the relevant threshold, print a warning message on the screen. Resource amount can become lower than the relevant threshold when:

nghugo commented 7 months ago

Re: Resources let's exclude the threshold for baby_packets because not every family has a baby (we don't record the number of babies in a family anyway). For all other resources, it makes sense to create a threshold. You can define the multiplicative factor as you see fit (positive integer)