nginx / unit-docs

NGINX Unit's official website and documentation
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install from Tarball #4

Closed matt-horwood-mayden closed 4 years ago

matt-horwood-mayden commented 6 years ago

I have run the install process on a raspberry pi to have a play before looking at work, but have hit some issues.

  1. Configuring Sources - needs to have where to install unit to with --prefix
  2. missing any sort of example config to work from
  3. missing any init script for ether initd for systemd

Without #1 I cant get the make install to complete Without #3 I dont know how to start unit and what options to fill in

Could the documents be updated to help?

VBart commented 6 years ago

Thank you. The documentation needs to be improved. All configuration examples are in the Configuration section.

VBart commented 6 years ago

By the way, both ./configure script and unitd binary have a --help option that provides some basic information about available parameters.

ghost commented 5 years ago


  2. (a bit outdated, updates are coming)
  3. On its way.
matt-horwood-mayden commented 5 years ago

Thanks @artemkonev I have used point 1 and 3 to get 3 of my web apps running with unit, the web app I want to make work is still proving difficult. But if you have any ideas on how to make Nextcloud work that would help.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Follow this thread for updates:

Hi, The [NextCloud] doc is almost ready and will be published soon, stay tuned.

ghost commented 4 years ago