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Tests: REQUEST_URI variable test with rewrite #1197

Closed andrey-zelenkov closed 4 months ago

andrey-zelenkov commented 6 months ago

Tests for the

hongzhidao commented 6 months ago

Hi @andrey-zelenkov, This PR looks good, but could you separate it into two patches? The first one is to test "rewrite" together with "proxy" without changing any rules, I mean $requst_uri is still changeable, it doesn't depend on Then I'll commit a patch separated from #1162, it will rework the "proxy" module. Let me know if you are confused with the idea.

andrey-zelenkov commented 5 months ago

Dropped the first patch to submit it as a separate pull request.

% git range-diff 0852b615...51cdaa9c
1:  5030a900 < -:  -------- Tests: added $rewrite_uri test with proxy
2:  0852b615 = 1:  51cdaa9c Tests: added REQUEST_URI test with rewrite rule
ac000 commented 5 months ago

Is this not an issue?

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
__________________ test_python_application_variables[3.10.12] __________________
date_to_sec_epoch = <function date_to_sec_epoch.<locals>._date_to_sec_epoch at 0x7fe46df140d0>
sec_epoch = 1712839114.0
    def test_python_application_variables(date_to_sec_epoch, sec_epoch):

        body = 'Test body string.'

        resp = client.http(
            f"""POST / HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost
    Content-Length: {len(body)}
    Custom-Header: blah
    Custom-hEader: Blah
    Content-Type: text/html
    Connection: close
    custom-header: BLAH


        assert resp['status'] == 200, 'status'
        headers = resp['headers']
        header_server = headers.pop('Server')
        assert'Unit/[\d\.]+', header_server), 'server header'
        assert (
            headers.pop('Server-Software') == header_server
        ), 'server software header'

        date = headers.pop('Date')
        assert date[-4:] == ' GMT', 'date header timezone'
        assert abs(date_to_sec_epoch(date) - sec_epoch) < 5, 'date header'

        assert headers == {
            'Connection': 'close',
            'Content-Length': str(len(body)),
            'Content-Type': 'text/html',
            'Request-Method': 'POST',
            'Request-Uri': '/',
            'Http-Host': 'localhost',
            'Server-Protocol': 'HTTP/1.1',
            'Custom-Header': 'blah, Blah, BLAH',
            'Wsgi-Version': '(1, 0)',
            'Wsgi-Url-Scheme': 'http',
            'Wsgi-Multithread': 'False',
            'Wsgi-Multiprocess': 'True',
            'Wsgi-Run-Once': 'False',
        }, 'headers'
        assert resp['body'] == body, 'body'

        # REQUEST_URI unchanged

        path = f'{option.test_dir}/python/variables'
        assert 'success' in client.conf(
                "listeners": {"*:8080": {"pass": "routes"}},
                "routes": [
                        "action": {
                            "rewrite": "/foo",
                            "pass": "applications/variables",
                "applications": {
                    "variables": {
                        "type": client.get_application_type(),
                        "processes": {'spare': 0},
                        "path": path,
                        "working_directory": path,
                        "module": "wsgi",

        resp = client.http(
            f"""POST /bar HTTP/1.1
    Host: localhost
    Content-Length: 1
    Custom-Header: blah
    Content-Type: text/html
    Connection: close

>       assert resp['headers']['Request-Uri'] == '/bar', 'REQUEST_URI unchanged'
E       AssertionError: REQUEST_URI unchanged
E       assert '/foo' == '/bar'
E         - /bar
E         + /foo
test/ AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test/[3.10.12] - AssertionError: REQUEST_URI unchanged
assert '/foo' == '/bar'

  - /bar
  + /foo
andrey-zelenkov commented 5 months ago

Is this not an issue?

This should be fixed once #1162 is merged.

andrey-zelenkov commented 5 months ago


% git range-diff 51cdaa9c...e04be85a
-:  -------- > 1:  d494d2eb Wasm-wc: Bump the h2 crate from 0.4.2 to 0.4.4
-:  -------- > 2:  e6d8fc66 njs (lowercase) is more preferred way to mention
-:  -------- > 3:  6e79da47 Docs: njs (lowercase) is more preferred way to mention
-:  -------- > 4:  5f606742 Tests: added $request_uri tests with proxy
-:  -------- > 5:  a625a0b1 Tests: compatibility with OpenSSL 3.2.0
-:  -------- > 6:  2d7a8468 HTTP: Added variable validation to the response_headers option
-:  -------- > 7:  62697773 Tests: error report corrected for unknown variables in "response_headers"
1:  51cdaa9c = 8:  e04be85a Tests: added REQUEST_URI test with rewrite rule
ac000 commented 5 months ago

Bit of a chicken and egg problem...

I think I'd wait for the code change to be merged first, then we won't get failing tests all the time...

ac000 commented 5 months ago

The other option would be to have Zhidao merge it via his prll-request, which would be a completely reasonable thing to do...

andrey-zelenkov commented 5 months ago

The two latest commits, 2d7a84684312fc1c46043fa10af0ea336e73f11d and 626977730f0e9029ee15b6321d35cb5aa311379d, had the exact same problem. So I was planning to wait for to be merged before pushing this one (as we did yesterday).

Another option is to commit this test under pytest.skip() call and add skip removal in #1162, but I am personally would prefer just to wait.

ac000 commented 5 months ago

Yes, waiting's good...

hongzhidao commented 5 months ago

Hi @andrey-zelenkov @ac000, Does it make sense to release #1162 and #1197 in a single commit? If released separately, the tests won't pass.

The other option would be to have Zhidao merge it via his prll-request, which would be a completely reasonable thing to do...


hongzhidao commented 5 months ago

Hi @andrey-zelenkov, It seems you missed reworking test/

ac000 commented 5 months ago

Does it make sense to release #1162 and #1197 in a single commit? If released separately, the tests won't pass.

Not the same commit. But they could go via the same pull-request...

Once Andrei and you are happy with the test. You could pull the patch, e.g

$ wget

(Don't just use that URL as the commit id will change if the commit is modified)

You can then apply it to your tree with

$ git am e04be85ab5af4ef4ff5da89750ef1b487bc32a91.patch
andrey-zelenkov commented 5 months ago

Hi @andrey-zelenkov, It seems you missed reworking test/

Last time when we discussed that it was necessary to fix relevant log message

Was noted here: No plans to fix this anymore?

hongzhidao commented 5 months ago

Hi @andrey-zelenkov, It seems you missed reworking test/

Last time when we discussed that it was necessary to fix relevant log message

Was noted here: #1162 (comment) No plans to fix this anymore?

Fixed, thanks.

hongzhidao commented 5 months ago

Hi Andrei, Take a look at the test, it's broken with

assert (
            wait_for_record(fr'^::1 /bar /bar\?a=b$', 'access.log') is not None
        ), 'req 8081 (proxy) rewrite'
E       AssertionError: req 8081 (proxy) rewrite
E       assert None is not None
E        +  where None = <function wait_for_record.<locals>._wait_for_record at 0x7f62e92daaf0>('^::1 /bar /bar\\?a=b$', 'access.log')

FAILED test/ - AssertionError: re...

I think it's because of the rule change of request uri which is switched from changeable to constant.

hongzhidao commented 4 months ago

Hi @andrey-zelenkov, If you don't mind, I'll close this PR :)

andrey-zelenkov commented 4 months ago


For history: this PR was merged as part of #1162