nginx / unit

NGINX Unit - universal web app server - a lightweight and versatile open source server that simplifies the application stack by natively executing application code across eight different programming language runtimes.
Apache License 2.0
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[Epic] Create a new CLI for Unit (unitctl) #1276

Open callahad opened 1 month ago

callahad commented 1 month ago

Consider the following projects: Rustup, K3d, Kind, Linkerd, and Caddy.

Each of these projects needs only one single command to start using the product. None of these products require involved modifications to the host system and they all work on multiple commonly used platforms. Our services NGINX Service Mesh (rest in peace) and NGINX Kubernetes Ingress Controller also had easy startup processes.

Having a simple and efficient discovery to deployment process would enable our product to end up in more proofs of concept, more MVPs, and thus attached to more applications. Busy developers who would prefer to focus on implementing their own designs will prefer alternative app servers.

TODO: Refine / cluster these into stories